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We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.
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Our language resources draw on the intricacies of different dialects, helping students wishing to excel in modern foreign languages, including the Cambridge IGCSE, O Level and IB Diploma qualifications. Learn Urdu narratives, direct and classical Chinese writing, and consider French syntax. Enable students to develop their language skills, ready for their future careers.
Aspects of modern foreign languages are important in many different industries. Students may choose to follow careers in translation, international aid work, teaching, or even diplomatic services. With thorough learning resources and detailed, coherent language books to help them succeed, students can work towards their futures with confidence.
Our language books and revision guides include examples of everyday Urdu phrasing, Mandarin narratives and linguistical analyses of Spanish, French, German and more. These language resources encourage students to broaden their knowledge of modern foreign languages, and give them a true idea of how successful careers in languages can be. Learning foreign languages can be challenging, but thanks to our selection of guides and digital tools, students will feel empowered to master the language of their choice.
If you need assistance with choosing which language books are right for your students, contact your local sales representative.
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