General Index
Achelous, 15,
as singer, 2
divine parentage of, 105
exploits of,
fights Aeneas, 29,
speed of, 99
theomachy of, 84
acrostics, markers of, 15
and breastplate of Cinyras, 253
as delegator,
as negative exemplum, 265
characterisation of, 259
predicts fall of Troy,
recalls Tydeus,
agonism, poetic, , , , , , , 314,
alludes to Hesiod,
alludes to Homer, 57
in Pindar,
indexing myth, 137
on Phalanthus, 292
ship of state poetry, 227
Alden, M. J., 205
Alexandrian footnote, ,
Amphimedon, , 283
Anacreon, , 318
anagrams, markers of, 15
Andersen, Ø., 90
burial of, 60 n.230
death of, ,
on Odysseus, , 274
reckless behaviour of, 120 n.157
rescues Nestor,
speed of,
and Chryses, 249
and Heracles, 223
and Hyacinthus,
god of prophecy,
rescues Aeneas, 250
rescues Sarpedon’s corpse, 270
serves Laomedon, 189
supporter of Syracuse, 309
Archilochus, 51, 54, 224, 303, 330
and fable,
and Glaucus, , 233
and Heracles, , 223
Cologne Epode, 55,
Arion (horse), 92 n.70, 158 n.277
Arion (poet), 51 n.188, 54
and Hera, 189
and Poseidon,
as γλαυκῶπις, 158
disrupts nostoi, 95,
planes Peleus’ spear,
punishes Locrian Ajax, , 248
supporter of Achilles, ,
supporter of Tydeus, ,
Babut, D., 148
and Pindar, 310,
indexing myth, ,
on gifts of the Muses,
on Heracles,
on Homer, 51
self-reference in,
Barchiesi, A., 20
Barker, E. T. E., 278
Bettarini, L.,
borrowing, as allusive trope,
Bowie, E. L., , 224
Brown, C. G., 163
Burgess, J. S., , , , 115
Burnett, A. P., 217
Cairns, D. L., 241
Capaneus, 92
Carruesco, J., 314
catalogues, 24,
Cheiron, 112,
Christensen, J. P., 278
citation, of poets by name,
Clément-Tarantino, S., 18
counterfactuals, 24
Creophylus, 188 n.42
Ctesippus, 251
Davies, M., 313
Deianeira, 155,
as allusive model,
as Odysseus’ sidekick,
captures horses of Aeneas,
immortality of, 170
in Tydeus’ shadow, , 274,
recalls Agamemnon’s slight, 194
relationship with Nestor, 277 n.109
wounds Ares,
Dodds, E. R., 294
Epeius, 248
Eurypylus (son of Telephus), 203,
Exekias, 143 n.235
fabula, as target of allusion,
Faktenkanon, 35
family relations, as trope of allusion, 25, ,
Finglass, P. J., 313
Finkelberg, M., 116
Harmodius (and Aristogeiton),
Haubold, J., 44
and family, 274,
as symbol of Troy, 247
characterisation of,
fate of,
on Troy, 93
predicts Achilles’ death,
predicts fall of Troy,
alternative stories about, 31 n.102,
as cause of war, 137
birth of,
drugs of, 180
memory of, 217 n.132
as allusive model, 279 n.117, –
at Cos, 190
at Paros, 223
cheated by Augeas,
death of,
fights Achelous,
in Greek epic,
infancy of, 164
labours of, , 311 n.226
ruler of Argos, 124
tears of,
Hereas of Megara, 281
and Apollo, 25,
and Leda’s egg, 136
and Pan, 25
and Pandora, 111
as singer, 260
revives Pelops, 320
supporter of Heracles, 283
as target of allusion, ,
catalogue poetry,
named by successors, 51,
on poetic competition, 67
relationship between Op. and Theog., ,
relationship to Homer,
relationship to Trojan epic,
Hollander, J., 9
Hollis, A. S., 17
and pre-Homeric tradition,
Homeric question(s), 28
named by successors,
relationship between Il. and Od., , , 265
Höschele, R., 301
Huxley, G. L., 89
Hypnos, , 268
Janko, R., 161
Kakridis, J. T., 161
katabasis, , 140, ,
Kelly, A., , 189
King, H., 162
Kolaković, Mehmed, 63 n.243
Kowalzig, B., 169
Kristeva, J., 43
Mace, S. T., 301
Melesander of Miletus, 258 n.44
‘Monro’s Law’, 60
Morrison, A. D., 17
narrators, ,
Near Eastern poetry, , , 82
neoanalysis, ,
Neoboule, 55,
as figure for poet, 70
as good counsellor,
as storyteller,
cup of,
old age of,
reminiscences of, ,
rescued by Antilochus,
Nethercut, J. S., 17
Niobe, 131
Norden, E., 17
O’Connell, P., 139
alternative homecomings of, ,
and Diomedes,
as allusive model,
as figure for poet, 70
father of Telemachus,
forgets advice of Circe,
in embassy to Troy,
katabasis of,
old age of,
on Delos, 253
recalls omen at Aulis,
recruitment of,
tears of, 249
tells lying tales, 111
transformed into old man, 263
unknown fate of,
old age, ,
Olson, S. D.,
Ormand, K., 150
Peirce, C. S.,
Peirithous, , 258,
Peisander, 164
Peisistratus (brother of Antilochus), ,
Peponi, A.-E., 231
Phaeacians, 195,
Pherecydes, 164
Phillips, T., 80
agonistic, 68
alludes to Hesiod,
distinguishing mythical variants,
flexible mythology of, ,
indexing myth, , , 223, ,
on oblivion,
self-reference in,
Quint, D., 9
Sammons, B., , 286,
Scaean gates, 50,
Schwinge, E.-R.,
Shey, H. J., 225
Slatkin, L. M., 278
Spelman, H. L., 69,
Taphians, 186
Telamon, , , 310 n.223
as doublet of Odysseus, 264
departs Sparta, 57
on Nestor,
praises mother,
seeks news of father, 73, ,
threatened by Palamedes, 197
κέρδεα of, 120
Telemachy, 194
Terpander, , 304 n.198
Teuthranian expedition, 136 n.199,
alludes to Hesiod, 25
on Atalanta,
on immortalising poetry, 133
on Odysseus,
on Theban myth,
sense of authorship, 54
song contest in, 67
theogonic myth,
Theseus, , , 258 n.42,
attempts to immortalise children,
converses with Achilles, 195
forewarns Achilles, 207
forewarns Neoptolemus, 287
mother of Achilles, 105
rescues Achilles, 269
Tithonus, , 225
Torrance, I., 25
traditional referentiality, , , 137 n.205, , ,
Typhoeus, , 260