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Subscriptions to Africa and Africa Bibliography are available in a variety of options.
Africa and Africa Bibliography bundle

Institutional print only
Institutional print-only subscription for both Africa and Africa Bibliography .

Institutional electronic only
Electronic access to current Africa content and one-year's access to the Africa Bibliography* database

Institutional print and electronic
Electronic access to current Africa content and one-year's access to the Africa Bibliography* database, plus a print subscription to both publications.

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Individual electronic only
Electronic access for individuals to current content of Africa.

Individual print and electronic
Electronic access for individuals to current content of Africa plus a print subscription.

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Africa Bibliography

Institutional electronic only
One-year's access to the Africa Bibliography* database

Institutional print and electronic
One-year's access to the Africa Bibliography* database, plus an annual print subscription.*

Individual print only
Print copy of the annual Africa Bibliography.

Please note that the online Africa Bibliography database is not available for purchase to individuals. To recommend this database to your library, please click here.

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* Subscribing to the online Africa Bibliography

The Africa Bibliography is sold as a one-year licence and is available to institutions only. The bibliography includes entries all the way back to 1984 in the fully-searchable database.

During the calendar year the subscriber will have access to the full content of the online bibliography. Subscriptions will need to be renewed in the following year to maintain full access. The online Africa Bibliography is not available as part of Cambridge's consortia packages, with the exception of North America.

To sign-up for a free trial to the online version of the bibliography please visit the site and fill in the short form or email.