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WPA and BJPsych Advances: Working together to support the authors of the future
World Psychiatric Association Logo

A new collaboration to assist psychiatric trainees and early career psychiatrists.

The World Psychiatric Association (WPA) and BJPsych Advances, The Royal College of Psychiatrists' CPD journal for consultant psychiatrists, are delighted to continue their collaboration aiming to assist psychiatric trainees and early career psychiatrists to develop their writing skills.

First Prize Winners of the WPA's 3 Minutes Presentations Competition to be held during the 23rd WPA World Congress of Psychiatry (28 September – 1 October 2023) will be offered the opportunity to write an article for BJPsych Advances about a topic they presented during their session. The WPA will identify mentors to work with the winners to ensure that submissions reach the high quality required by the journal and they will be peer reviewed in the usual way.

This follows the publication of the BJPsych Advances/WPA Stress and Resilience special issue in 2021 and we look forward to further strengthening the collaboration between the BJPsych portfolio and WPA.

Visit WPA 3 minutes Presentations Competition for further information. Presenters should be registered to the WPA Congress to take part.