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Welcome to the papers shortlisted for the BJN’s Paper of the Year 2022 competition. These papers have been selected by our Deputy Editors who were invited to identify the best paper, using the criteria of originality, significance and rigour, that each Deputy Editor had handled over the past year.

I am delighted to announce that Dr E. Inan-Eroglu and colleagues from the University of Sydney, Australia are this year's winners of the British Journal of Nutrition Paper of the Year competition for their paper entitled "Joint association of alcohol consumption and adiposity with alcohol and obesity-related cancer in a population sample of 399,575 UK adults".  Congratulations to Dr Inan-Eroglu and colleagues who will now be invited to present their work described in this paper at the Nutrition Society's Summer Conference in Liverpool (see:

As always, we had a very strong short-list of papers covering a wide range of topics from those that investigated molecular mechanisms (e.g. effects of fasting on the kynurenine pathway), through epidemiological studies (e.g.  vitamin B12 and folate status among vegans) to clinical nutrition (a randomised controlled studies in people with renal disease). Congratulations to all authors of the short-listed papers. 

All of these papers are freely available to read below.

Professor John Mathers, Editor-in-Chief

British Journal of Nutrition


Shortlisted Papers

The authors have used the NOVA classification to determine the trends in processed food consumption in a representative UK population. The reviewers highlighted both the novelty of the analysis performed and implications for food policy and health. Strengths of the study include the large sample size and high-quality dietary assessment method used by the NDNS which provides a detailed analysis of different foods consumed, several dietary assessment days, and considers the daily variability of each participant. This carefully conducted study has shed light on the high share of ultra-processed foods in the UK diet.

Kim Jackson, Deputy Editor

An exciting topic, which is uplifting compared to the (not necessarily unimportant but) frequently seen topics within nutrition. The study is well motivated (although the mix of associated diseases is surprising). The 4-way cross-over design is admirable and the stats are strict and appropriate and the results are nicely presented.

Lotte Lauritzen, Deputy Editor

This is original, shows scientific rigour and has significant impact.

Barbara Meyer, Deputy Editor

Energy density (or nutrient specific density) is a very important concept with meaningful translational impact. I wrote about amino acid density in a J Nutr review and I believe these sorts of concepts are underappreciated. I think this paper has the potential to immediately influence health and dietary status.

Stefan Pasiakos, Deputy Editor

Vitamin D deficiency is an important problem worldwide. This study provided results stating that either 2000IU daily or 60,000 IU monthly of oral cholecalciferol is optimal and safe to increase vitamin D level in adults. These results are extremely important since there is often great debate about whether a daily versus a monthly dose should be provided; this paper brought new insight into the field by providing strong data. 

Mélanie Plourde, Deputy Editor

This was a well-designed and timely study reporting on B12 and folate status in individuals following vegan and vegetarian diets. Despite fewer B12 food sources in vegan and vegetarian diets, only 14% of those participating had low B12 status. This may be related to the high use of B12 supplements and fortification of plant-based dairy alternatives with B12 in Norway. Folate status was adequate in study participants. This indicates that folate intake was adequate in individuals following vegan and vegetarian diets.

Paul Sharp, Deputy Editor

British Journal of Nutrition 2022 Paper of the Year Infographic

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