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Call for Papers: The Future of Evolutionary Psychology

Call for Papers for the Special Issue on the Future of Evolutionary Psychology

The special issue guest editors (Satoshi Kanazawa, London School of Economics and Political Science; and Yueh-Ting Lee, Southern Illinois University – Carbondale) welcome commentaries on the question “What is the next big question in evolutionary psychology?”

Since its inception a quarter of century ago, evolutionary psychology has blossomed into a major subfield of psychology, and there are now evolutionary psychological articles published, not only in evolutionary psychology journals, but in all the top general psychology journals as well as specialty journals in social psychology, cross-cultural psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and other subfields of psychology.  The special issue of the Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, a Cambridge Core journal published by the Cambridge University Press, will provide both the retrospective survey on the 25 years of history of evolutionary psychology and what it has accomplished, and the prospective views on what currently confronts the field, by inviting contributors to offer their commentaries on the question “What is the next big question in evolutionary psychology?”

Our aim is to present diverse views from a wide range of researchers on where this important field is heading in the next 25 years.

Anticipated/tentative timeline (subject to change):

December 1, 2018:  Submit a one-page proposal for a commentary to Satoshi Kanazawa ( and Yueh-Ting Lee (

February 1, 2019:  Invitation for submission of full commentary for selected proposals.

July 1, 2019:  Deadline for the full commentary submission via the ScholarOne system to be sent for peer review.

October 1, 2019:  First editorial decision with “reject” or “revise & resubmit.”

December 1, 2019:  Deadline for the revision, to be re-reviewed by special issue editors only.

February 1, 2020:  Final editorial decision with “accept” or “reject.”

Summer or Fall 2020:  Publication of the special issue.