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Symposium - International Astronomical Union, Wolf-Rayet Phenomena in Massive Stars and Starburst Galaxies

Volume 193 - 1999

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Section D. Poster Papers

Part 5. Wolf-Rayet stars and other massive stars in starburst galaxies: the case of Wolf-Rayet galaxies (integrated spectra)

Section A. Global energy balance of the ISM in starburst galaxies

Part 6. Starbursts in normal and active galaxies: their effects on the ISM and on chemical evolution

Section B. Spectra of H II regions with Wolf-Rayet stars: constraints on stellar content and chemical evolution

Part 6. Starbursts in normal and active galaxies: their effects on the ISM and on chemical evolution

Section C. The starburst-AGN connection

Part 6. Starbursts in normal and active galaxies: their effects on the ISM and on chemical evolution

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