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Advice for Reviewers

Refereeing is an essential component of peer-reviewed scientific publishing.  It can improve the quality of a paper significantly and contributes to advancing science as a whole, even when the decision to publish is negative.  Decisions on articles submitted to Wearable Technologies are made by the Associate Editors, guided by the advice and recommendations of expert referees.  The Editors of Wearable Technologies and authors all value the work done by referees greatly.  Thank you.

Your report

Please provide a narrative report that can be communicated to the authors containing the following elements:

·         A summary of the paper, stressing what in it is new and interesting;

·         Your judgement of the overall quality of the paper and its suitability for publication in Wearable Technologies

·         Your evaluation of whether the paper is technically correct and scientifically sound;

·         An assessment of whether the paper is written clearly and whether its length is appropriate;

·         Suggestions for improving the paper, including suggestions about the overall approach and structure of the paper and for additional work that might be required;

It is the policy of Wearable Technologies that referees’ reports are communicated to authors anonymously.  While in most cases there is no harm in referees identifying themselves, anonymity avoids conflicts of hierarchy and can allow an editor to mediate difficult cases focusing on scientific issues while avoiding conflicts of personality.  Your report should be reasoned and reasonable, focusing on scientific and scholarly issues.

There is an opportunity to provide comments to the Associate Editor that will not be communicated to the authors.  These might provide additional information about the context of your report or the disclosure of a potential conflict of interest. Please do not make recommendations regarding publication in this section that are not reflected in your report to the authors.


The paper has been submitted to Wearable Technologies in confidence.  Please do not pass it on to others except with the explicit agreement of the Associate Editor.

This journal uses a single-blind model of peer review.


Introductory resources for peer reviewers can be found on Cambridge Core here.


Guidance on ethical peer review can be found on Cambridge Core here.