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Schools share pandemic learning with Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Teachers and students from Cambridge and India met with senior leaders from Cambridge University Press & Assessment to share their experiences of learning and teaching through the pandemic.

Teachers and students meet members of our global leadership team
Teachers and students meet members of our global leadership team
Teachers and students meet members of our global leadership team

A group from five Cambridge-based schools were invited to our Shaftesbury Road headquarters, where they were joined online by students and staff from the DPS International School in Delhi.

Together, they spoke to our senior decision-makers about their experiences of learning and teaching through the pandemic.

The day also included workshops to find solutions to common problems and a careers carousel, where the pupils met members of our global leadership team, who spoke to them about their career paths, what they enjoy about their roles, and tips on taking the first steps into work. 

Our head of community engagement, Heidi Mulvey, said, “It was a brilliant opportunity for our leaders from around the world to have conversations with the customers we serve. They were able to hear directly about students’ and teachers’ experiences of education during the pandemic, and they shared ideas on how we can improve our offering in the future.” 

Olivia Tolley, a teacher from North Cambridge Academy, said: “Our students really enjoyed the morning and found the sessions very interesting. The first session gave them the opportunity to reflect on their experiences of online learning together, and the second session was a brilliant introduction to lots of different career paths that they had not heard of before. They really appreciated having the chance to discuss things and have their views heard. It was fantastic.”

The event was organised with Form the Future CIC, a not-for-profit careers and employment company in Cambridge, which works to connect young people with the world of work, helping them develop employability skills, careers awareness, motivation and ambition. 

Form the Future’s CEO, Anne Bailey, said: “We want to see all young people move through education into rewarding and sustainable employment, whatever their background. When employers open their doors, providing career insights and experiences of the workplace they’re sending a powerful message to young people: you can do this and you’re welcome here”.