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Prize winning publishing

Prize winning publications

Teaching in Challenging Circumstances” sounds like the title of a book every teacher around the world would’ve wanted on their bookshelf in the past year. Written by Chris Sowton and Scott Thornbury, it is aimed at English language teachers working where there isn’t a formal education system or have limited resources. Packed with classroom-ready teaching tips, the book is a finalist in The British Council ELTons Awards for innovation in English language this year, along with another book carrying the Cambridge University Press imprint, Engaging Language Learners in Contemporary Classrooms by Sarah Mercer, Zoltán Dörnyei.

We are proud of the range of awards in the worlds of academia and educational publishing that are won each year by the authors who choose to publish their work with us.

The top prize at the PROSE Awards from the Association of American Publishers (AAP) this year went to Ancient Maya Politics: A Political Anthropology of the Classic Period 150–900 CE by Simon Martin from the University of Pennsylvania. It is the first time a book from the Press has won the prestigious R.R. Hawkins Award. It was one of nine awards won by Press titles, whose topics include astrophysics, cosmology, classics, environmental and earth sciences, neuroscience, and criminology.

“I am also very proud that the depth and breadth of our publishing was recognised”, says Mandy Hill, our managing director of academic publishing. “That strength of publishing is thanks to our fantastic authors and our wonderful colleagues, whose hard work and passion for their subjects are so evident in these awards.”

That “strength of publishing” impressed the judges at the British Book Awards with our response to the pandemic, providing free access to many textbooks, worksheets and digital platforms and a ‘Supporting Every Teacher’ campaign and practical advice for remote teaching and learning were all valued by academics and students.” We were pleased to be a finalist for Academic, Educational and Professional Publisher of the Year.
We also like to give awards.

This year the Nine Dot Prize winner, Trish Lorenz, won a US$100,000 and a book deal with us. The prize is for a book that has not yet been written and is awarded to the best response in the form of an essay and a book proposal. Lorenz won for her ‘compelling and well-evidenced’ response to the question ‘What does it mean to be young in an ageing world?’

The winner of our Dedicated Teacher Awards 2021, Annamma Lucy from GEMS Our Own English High School, Sharjah - Boys' Branch, United Arab Emirates, won for her dedication to her students both inside and outside the classroom, and her incredible efforts to continue teaching and learning during the pandemic. The entry form, written by a colleague, sums up her impact in just a few words: "Ms. Annamma Lucy prepares kids for the road ahead in life. A teacher whose impact goes beyond the classroom. … She is an inspiration …".

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