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We unlock the potential of millions of people worldwide. Our assessments, publications and research spread knowledge, spark enquiry and aid understanding around the world.
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Our comprehensive selection of German learning resources covers the IB Diploma, AS and A Level curriculum, offering educational material to not only develop their language skills, but also to improve their critical thinking skills. Our German resources help students recognise their ability, and encourage them to build confidence with learning German as a foreign language.
Learning German as a foreign language can be challenging, but also rewarding for students. IB Diploma students can learn the fundamentals of grammar that will see them through their A levels and beyond. They can learn important German vocabulary in a wide range of topics, such as science and technology, hobbies, health, culture and more.
Learning how to speak German opens up a number of different career paths after education. Our German resources empower students to prepare for their exams and perform to their best ability, enabling them to master the German language successfully. We understand that no two students learn in the same way, and so we offer both German language books and digital resources to suit different learning styles and methods.
Discover our full range of German resources. If you need help deciding which books are the best for your students, contact your local sales consultant today.
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- Academic Research, Teaching and Learning
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- Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing
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