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Black Political Thought
From David Walker to the Present

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Sherrow O. Pinder, Brenda E. Stevenson, David Walker, Henry Highland Garnet, Martin Robison Delany, Frederick Douglass, Maria Stewart, Nikki Lynne Marie Brown, W. E. B. Du Bois, T. Thomas Fortune, Booker T. Washington, Babacar M'Baye, James Theodore Holly, Marcus Garvey, Stokely Carmichael, Cahrisse Burden-Stelly, Alexander Crummell, Ida B. Wells, Mary Church Terrell, Patricia Hill Collins, Gary L. Lemons, Erica Cooper, Cheryl I. Harris, Barbara J. Fields, Kathleen Neal Cleaver
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  • Date Published: November 2019
  • availability: This ISBN is for an eBook version which is distributed on our behalf by a third party.
  • format: Adobe eBook Reader
  • isbn: 9781108196383

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About the Authors
  • In Black Political Thought: From David Walker to the Present, Sherrow O. Pinder has brought together the writings and discourses central to black political thought and African American politics, compiling a unique anthology of speeches and articles from over 150 years of African American history. Providing in-depth examinations and critical analyses of topics such as slavery, reconstruction, race and racism, black nationalism and black feminism - from a range of perspectives - students are equipped with a comprehensive and informative account of how these issues have fundamentally shaped and continue to shape black political thinking. Each of the six thematic parts is framed by an introduction written by black scholars working in the field, and a list of further readings. Individual chapters are then enhanced by end-of-chapter questions and author biographies. Written for the interdisciplinary field of black studies, and other social science and humanities disciplines, this textbook offers a unique resource for political scientists, sociologists, historians, feminists, and the general reader of black political thought.

    • Includes the works of influential figures such as Frederick Douglass, W. E. B. Du Bois and Kathleen Neal Cleaver
    • Parts and chapters are arranged thematically, with introductions by black scholars
    • Features include author biographies, end-of-chapter questions, further readings and a glossary of terms
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    Reviews & endorsements

    'This volume is an important text for those interested in the philosophy and history of black political thought.' Melvin Rogers, Brown University

    'Today, when views of America as a white nation are resurgent, it is vital to appreciate the profound contributions of a long tradition of black political thought to the struggles and ideals that have shaped all Americans, and all of humanity. Sherrow Pinder’s outstanding compilation of seminal writings is invaluable now.' Rogers M. Smith, University of Pennsylvania

    'This valuable new collection guides readers through several essential works in African American political thought. Combining classical writings with a range of contemporary commentaries, this volume shows how our understanding of the modern political world is woefully misguided without thoughtful and critical attention to various modes of racial inequality.' Andrew J. Douglas, Morehouse College

    'In the long struggle for racial equality, Black contributions in many fields have eventually (if grudgingly) been recognized. But political theory has been an outlier. Sherrow Pinder’s invaluable collection on Black political thought will be a great resource for establishing that, in this area also, Black thinkers have developed distinctive ideologies of their own that mainstream political theorists will have to acknowledge and reckon with.' Charles W. Mills, City University of New York Graduate Center

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    Product details

    • Date Published: November 2019
    • format: Adobe eBook Reader
    • isbn: 9781108196383
    • availability: This ISBN is for an eBook version which is distributed on our behalf by a third party.
  • Table of Contents

    Key concepts, ideas, and issues that have formed black political thought Sherrow O. Pinder
    Part I. Slavery and its Discontents: Let your Motto Be Resistance! Resistance! Resistance! Brenda E. Stevenson
    1. Our wretchedness in consequence of slavery David Walker
    2. An address to the slaves of the United States Henry Highland Garnet
    3. Comparative condition of the colored people of the United States Martin Robison Delany
    4. What to the slave is the Fourth of July? Frederick Douglass
    5. Why sit ye here and die Maria Stewart
    Part II. Reconstruction: Nikki Lynne Marie Brown
    6. Of the dawn of freedom W. E. B. Du Bois
    7. Political independence of the Negro T. Thomas Fortune
    8. The case of the Negro Booker T. Washington
    Part III. Black Nationalism: Babacar M'Baye
    9. A vindication of the capacity of the Negro race for self-government, and civilized progress James Theodore Holly
    10. The true solution of the Negro problem Marcus Garvey
    11. Toward black liberation Stokely Carmichael
    Part IV. Race and Racism: Cahrisse Burden-Stelly
    12. The race-problem in America Alexander Crummell
    13. The conservation of the races W. E. B. Du Bois
    14. Lynch laws in all its phases Ida B. Wells
    Part V. Feminism and Difference: Sherrow O. Pinder
    15. The progress of colored women Mary Church Terrell
    16. What's in a name? Womanism, black feminism and beyond Patricia Hill Collins
    17. To be black, male, and 'feminist' – making womanist space for black men Gary L. Lemons
    Part VI. Past, Present, and Future Issues: Erica Cooper
    18. Whiteness as property Cheryl I. Harris
    19. Whiteness, racism, and identity Barbara J. Fields
    20. The antidemocratic power of whiteness Kathleen Neal Cleaver

  • Editor

    Sherrow O. Pinder, California State University, Chico
    Sherrow O. Pinder, Professor of Political Science at California State University, Chico is the author of several books and serves as the 'Race Politics in the United States' Series Editor at Anthem Press. She works primarily in the areas of race, gender, and ethnic politics in the United States, social welfare policy, black political thought, globalization studies and whiteness studies. In 2018, Pinder was invited to present her work, 'The Liminality of Whiteness and its Problematics for Race Politics in the United States', at the Newberry Scholarly Seminar in American Literature.


    Sherrow O. Pinder, Brenda E. Stevenson, David Walker, Henry Highland Garnet, Martin Robison Delany, Frederick Douglass, Maria Stewart, Nikki Lynne Marie Brown, W. E. B. Du Bois, T. Thomas Fortune, Booker T. Washington, Babacar M'Baye, James Theodore Holly, Marcus Garvey, Stokely Carmichael, Cahrisse Burden-Stelly, Alexander Crummell, Ida B. Wells, Mary Church Terrell, Patricia Hill Collins, Gary L. Lemons, Erica Cooper, Cheryl I. Harris, Barbara J. Fields, Kathleen Neal Cleaver

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