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Textbook of Immunopsychiatry

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Lorinda Turner, Neil Harrison, Keith W. Kelley, Julie-Myrtille Bourgognon, Alison McColl, Maria Suessmilch, Rajeev Krishnadas, Jonathan Cavanagh, Alan S. Brown, Fiona Conway, Genvieive Falabella, Carly Apar, Mike Zandi, Esha Abrol, Rachel Upthegrove, Bill Deakin, Alessandro Colasanti, Golam Khandaker, Nils Kappelmann, Edward T. Bullmore, Colm Cunningham, Donal Skelly, Ajenthan Surendranathan, John T O'Brien, Clive Holmes, Vasiliki Michopoulos, Tanja Jovanovic, Kiran Sandhu, Eoin Sherwin, Ted Dinan, John Cryan, Robert Dantzer, Célia Fourrier, Catherine Toben, Bernhard T. Baune
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  • Date Published: December 2021
  • availability: Available
  • format: Hardback
  • isbn: 9781108424042

$ 67.99 (G)

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About the Authors
  • The rapidly growing field of immunopsychiatry combines expertise and insights from immunology, psychiatry and neuroscience to understand the role of inflammation and other immune processes in causing and treating mental illness. This represents a major shift in mental health science, traditionally focused on psychological and neuronal mechanisms of depression, psychosis and dementia. This book provides the first comprehensive overview of recent, inter-disciplinary research linking disordered function of the immune system to the brain and mental illness. It offers a broad and deep perspective on the implications of immune system involvement in psychiatric disorders, including a balanced focus on basic science and clinical applications. Chapters cover the scientific evidence linking immune processes to major mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and dementia. An invaluable guide for graduate students, doctors in training, scientific researchers and others interested in the link between the immune system and mental health.

    • Provides a comprehensive overview of recent research linking disordered function of the immune system to various mental illness, giving a well-informed and accessible perspective on this rapidly growing, inter-disciplinary field
    • Offers a balanced focus on basic science and clinical research, valuable to both researchers and clinicians across psychiatry, neuroscience and immunology
    • Includes recent developments regarding potential usefulness of immunotherapies for major psychiatric disorders, highlighting the clinical relevance and translational potential of new insights into how the brain and the immune system can interact to cause mental health disorders
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    Reviews & endorsements

    ‘This is a very timely, comprehensive textbook that focuses on the next frontier in clinical neurosciences - how the immune system modulates the body responses that will affect the brain and its functioning - including a likely intersection with nutrition and immune responses that take place in the digestive system. The editors assembled a stellar team of leading scientists covering these inter-related disciplines and research areas. It will be a must-read for all interested in the intricacies of these complex relationships, and the next wave of research that hopefully will help us to elucidate the brain and body mechanisms involved in the genesis of major psychiatric illnesses – with an ultimate goal of generating novel, more impactful treatment targets.’ Jair C. Soares, MD, Ph.D., Professor and Chairman, Pat Rutherford Chair in Psychiatry, and Director, UT Center of Excellence on Mood Disorders, at Louis Faillace, MD, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UT Houston Medical School, Houston, USA

    ‘It is not often that we witness the birth of a new discipline in medicine, with its own new name, but the birth of Immunopsychiatry is such an event. The authors of this book put together the compelling preclinical and clinical evidence - some dating back a few years but not firmly put into a modern perspective - that the immune system directly affects the brain and produces emotional and behavioural changes underpinning not only psychological mechanisms but, most relevantly, psychiatric symptoms. This new area builds on the previous concept of psychoneuroimmunology in order to emphasize the prominence of the immune system in the immune–psyche dyad, as well as the translational benefits that this will bring to our understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of psychiatric disorders.’ Carmine M. Pariante, Professor of Biological Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London, and Consultant Perinatal Psychiatrist at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust

    ‘Recommended.’ J. M. Miller, Choice Connect

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    Product details

    • Date Published: December 2021
    • format: Hardback
    • isbn: 9781108424042
    • length: 360 pages
    • dimensions: 240 x 160 x 22 mm
    • weight: 0.75kg
    • availability: Available
  • Table of Contents

    1. Basic concepts in immunobiology Lorinda Turner and Neil Harrison
    2. From Psychoneuroimmunology to immunopsychiatry: an historical perspective Keith W. Kelley
    3. Stress, immune system and brain Julie-Myrtille Bourgognon, Alison McColl, Maria Suessmilch, Rajeev Krishnadas and Jonathan Cavanagh
    4. The role of prenatal and childhood infection and inflammation in schizophrenia Carly Apar, Fiona Conway, Genevieve Falabella and Alan S. Brown
    5. The role of autoimmune encephalitis in immunopsychiatry and lessons from neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus Esha Abrol and Mike Zandi
    6. Effectiveness of immunotherapies for psychotic disorders Rachel Upthegrove and Bill Deakin
    7. Inflammation, sickness behaviour and depression Golam Khandaker, Alessandro Colasanti and Neil Harrison
    8. Immunotherapies for depression Nils Kappelmann, Edward T. Bullmore, and Golam M. Khandaker
    9. The effect of systemic Inflammation on cognitive function and neurodegenerative disease Colm Cunningham and Donal Skelly
    10. Role of Inflammation in Lewy body dementia Ajenthan Surendranathan, and John T O'Brien
    11. The role of adaptive and innate immunity in alzheimer's disease Clive Holmes
    12. The immune system and anxiety disorders Vasiliki Michopoulos and Tanja Jovanovic
    13. Microbiome-gut-brain interactions in neurodevelopmental disorders: focus on autism and schizophrenia Kiran Sandhu, Eoin Sherwin, Ted Dinan and John Cryan
    14. Depression and the adaptive immune system Robert Dantzer
    15. Transdiagnostic features of the immune system in major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia Célia Fourrier, Catherine Toben, and Bernhard T. Baune.

  • Editors

    Golam Khandaker, University of Cambridge
    Golam Khandaker is Professor of Psychiatry and Head of Immunopsychiatry and Experimental Medicine Programme at the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit, University of Bristol, UK. He is a Wellcome Trust Fellow (University of Bristol and University of Cambridge), and Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist in the UK National Health Service.

    Neil Harrison, Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC)
    Neil Harrison is Professor of Psychiatry and Clinical Director of Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC), UK.

    Edward Bullmore, University of Cambridge
    Edward Bullmore is Professor of Psychiatry and Deputy Head of the School of Clinical Medicine at the University of Cambridge, and Director of R&D at Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust.

    Robert Dantzer, MD Anderson Cancer Centre
    Robert Dantzer is Professor in the Department of Symptom Research at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas.


    Lorinda Turner, Neil Harrison, Keith W. Kelley, Julie-Myrtille Bourgognon, Alison McColl, Maria Suessmilch, Rajeev Krishnadas, Jonathan Cavanagh, Alan S. Brown, Fiona Conway, Genvieive Falabella, Carly Apar, Mike Zandi, Esha Abrol, Rachel Upthegrove, Bill Deakin, Alessandro Colasanti, Golam Khandaker, Nils Kappelmann, Edward T. Bullmore, Colm Cunningham, Donal Skelly, Ajenthan Surendranathan, John T O'Brien, Clive Holmes, Vasiliki Michopoulos, Tanja Jovanovic, Kiran Sandhu, Eoin Sherwin, Ted Dinan, John Cryan, Robert Dantzer, Célia Fourrier, Catherine Toben, Bernhard T. Baune

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