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For manuscripts describing COVID-19 and coronavirus-related publications, please see below. We are also expediting the peer review and publication process for COVID-19 papers.

  • Authors should share important information with public health authorities. We encourage all authors to share all data about the 2019-nCoV outbreak in confidence with the World Health Organization. The WHO is asking that going forward submissions/pre-prints be sent to 
  • Authors are encouraged to post submitted relevant manuscripts under review to bioRxiv, medRxiv or other relevant pre-print server.
  • Article Processing Charges (APCs) are being waived for accepted papers until end of June.  

The Press plays a global role in education and research and shares the University’s mission to contribute to society through our work. Sharing research can play an important role in tackling shared threats. As such, we have created a special collection of free to read articles and book chapters related to the coronavirus that will be continually updated as new research becomes available