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Winner of the 2022 Disability History Association Outstanding Article

Jonathyne Briggs' article "From Collaboration to Resistance: The Family Dynamic in Autism Literature in Contemporary France" has been recognized as the outstanding article in 2022 by the Disability History Association. Enjoy free access until 21st September 2024!

Winner of the BASEES Postgraduate Prize

Szinan Radi’s open access article Do-It-Yourself Socialism: Home Construction Credits, Private Property and the Introduction of the Self-Build Programme in Hungary, 1954–1956 has won the BASEES Prize for the Best Scholarly Article by a Postgraduate Student. Read it here!”

  • ISSN: 0960-7773 (Print), 1469-2171 (Online)
  • Editors: Dr Emile Chabal University of Edinburgh, UK, Dr Siobhán Hearne University of Manchester, UK, Dr Nikolaos Papadogiannis University of Stirling, UK, and Dr Quinn Slobodian Wellesley College, USA
  • Editorial board
Contemporary European History covers the history of Eastern and Western Europe, including the United Kingdom, from 1914 to the present. By combining a wide geographical compass with a relatively short time span, the journal achieves both range and depth in its coverage. It is open to all forms of historical inquiry - including cultural, economic, international, political and social approaches - and welcomes comparative and transnational analysis. One issue per year explores a broad theme under the guidance of a guest editor. The journal regularly features contributions from scholars outside the Anglophone community and acts as a channel of communication between European historians throughout the continent and beyond it.

CEH Prize Winner Announced

New Voices « Cambridge Core Blog

Contemporary European History blogs

  • A Spanish Civil War Scrapbook
  • 16 August 2022, Adrian Pole
  • All I hoped as I embarked on my doctorate devoted to cross-cultural encounters between the International Brigades and the Spaniards who hosted them in the course...

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