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The inaugural ICLQ Annual Lecture was held in 2011 to celebrate 60 Volumes of the journal. An Annual Lecture has been held every year on a topic explored in the journal over the previous 12 months. Details of 2020 lecture at this link.

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Previous lectures:

2019 - Panos Koutrakos, Judicial Review in the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy

2018 - John Eekelaar and Fareda Banda, International Conception of the Family

2017 - Christof Heyns, Dapo Akande, Lawrence Hill-Cawthorne and Thompson Chengeta, The Right to Life and the International Law Framework Regulating the Use of Armed Drones

2016 - Sandra Fredman, Foreign Fads Or Fashions? The Role Of Comparativism In Human Rights Law

2015 - Jonathan Hill, Determining the Seat of an International Arbitration: Party Autonomy and the Interpretation of Arbitration Agreements

2014 - Mindy Chen-Wishart, Legal Transplant and Undue Influence: Lost in Translation or a Working Misunderstanding?

2013 - Myriam Hunter-Henin,  Why the French Don't Like the Burqa: LaÏcité, National Identity and Religious Freedom 

2012 - Trevor Hartley, Assignment of Contractual Claims under the Rome I Regulation: Choice

2011 - Christine Bell and Catherine O’Rourke, Peace negotiations and Gender Justice: Women and UNSC 1325