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Emanuel Adler

Emanuel Adler is the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Chair of Israeli Studies and Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the European Academy of Sciences, and Honorary Professor at the University of Copenhagen. Previously, he was Professor of International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His publications include The Power of Ideology; Security Communities (with Michael Barnett); Communitarian International Relations; Convergence of Civilizations (with Federica Beverly Crawford, and Raffaella Del Sarto); International Practices (with Vincent Pouliot); Israel in the World; “Seizing the Middle Ground: Constructivism in World Politics;” and “The Emergence of Cooperation: National Epistemic Communities and the International Evolution of the Idea of Nuclear Arms Control.”  

Louis Pauly

Louis Pauly, now Chair of the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto, was appointed to the faculty in 1987.  As Director of the Centre for International Studies from 1997 to 2011, he helped build the foundations for the Munk School of Global Affairs. He was named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2011. In 2015, he was the recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award in International Political Economy from the International Studies Association.  His personal and collaborative publications include Power in a Complex Global System (with Bruce Jentleson); Global Liberalism and Political Order (with Steven Bernstein); Complex Sovereignty (with Edgar Grande); The Myth of the Global Corporation (with Paul Doremus, William Keller and Simon Reich); Who Elected the Bankers? Surveillance and Control in the World Economy; and Opening Financial Markets: Banking Politics on the Pacific Rim.