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The Critical Perspectives section of Politics & Gender brings together leading and emerging scholars working on the most salient themes in gender and politics research. The essays published in the section problematize old and new concepts, set the parameters for emerging research agendas, and critically summarize existing bodies of knowledge in politics, gender, and sexuality. Since the journal’s founding in 2005, Critical Perspectives has become an invaluable tool for scholars, teachers, and students in the field of politics and gender.

The editorial team of the Journal welcomes proposals for Critical Perspectives. Proposals should be submitted via this online form and include the following information:

  • A brief abstract or description of the topic, paying particular attention to why it is relevant to the study of politics and gender (broadly conceived).
  • A list of authors and titles of their submissions. Please be sure that all of the authors have agreed to contribute and, whenever possible, to include a mix of junior and senior scholars.
  • A timeline indicating when all of the essays will be ready to submit to the Journal editor.


Each Critical Perspectives section should open with a short introduction by the CP editor, followed by four to six individual contributions (approximately 2,000-2,500 words for each submission). The total package should be no longer than 12,000 words all included. Ideally, the introduction should set up a common set of questions for contributors to respond to, drawing on their past and ongoing research.

Proposals should be submitted directly to the editorial team via this online form. Once the Journal editor has decided that a proposal should go forward, the editor will ‘invite’ the proposed CP editor and contributors to submit their pieces via Editorial Manager. The whole submission would then be editor-reviewed before formal acceptance.