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15 Feb 2018,

Andrew J. Gayle and Robert F. Cook win the JMR Paper of the Year

JMR Paper of the Year

The 2016 JMR Paper of the Year has been awarded to Andrew J. Gayle and Robert F. Cook, from National Institute of Standards and Technology.

The Journal of Materials Research Paper of the Year Award recognizes excellence in advancing materials knowledge through written scholarship.

The 2016 JMR Paper of the Year has been awarded to Andrew J. Gayle and Robert F. Cook, from National Institute of Standards and Technology, for their paper ‘Mapping viscoelastic and plastic properties of polymers and polymer-nanotube composites using instrumented indentation’ (Published August 14, 2016 - JMR volume 31, issue 15).

The announcement took place at the 2017 MRS Spring Meeting in Phoenix, AZ. Editor-in-Chief of JMR Gary L. Messing stated the paper had won ‘For the development and modeling of an indentation method for mapping the time-dependent viscoelastic and time-independent plastic properties of polymeric-based materials.’

The paper is freely available in perpetuity: