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14 Jan 2021,

Global Echoes Call for Papers

BJPsych International News Image

Are you a junior doctor or a medical student with an interest in psychiatry? Do you have experiences, reflections, challenges, or projects you would like to share with the global mental health community? We’d like to invite you to submit your manuscript to the Global Echoes section of BJPsych International.

Why submit to BJPsych International?

  • Peer-reviewed journal with a global readership, owned by the Royal College of Psychiatrists
  • Platform for authors from low- and middle-income countries 
  • Global Echoes – a dedicated section for psychiatry trainees and medical students 
  • Digital exposure – videos and podcasts  
  • Open Access – no publication fees 
  • Searchable via PubMed, indexed in Scopus and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) 
  • Enhanced support – dedicated editorial team

About Global Echoes 
Read about Global Echoes in the instructions for authors

Get in touch
If you have any queries, please email and we’ll forward your comments to the Global Echoes Trainee Editors: 
Dr Dami Ajayi, International MTI Fellow at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, London, UK  
Dr Khalid Elzamzamy, Psychiatry Clinical Fellow at Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar