Chapter updates
Author Alex Filippenko talks on "Discovering our Celestial Connections" - movie
Observing with Mike Brown on Maunakea
Equinox: The Sun from Solstice to Solstice
Post-Chicxulub Fossils
NASA's InSight on Mars
Explaining the formation of the Moon
NASA's Perseverance and Other Mars Rovers in 2020
Earth's Tectonic Plates Simulation (related to Figure 6-5)
ESA spacecraft flyby of Venus
Public Naming Contest for Latest Moons of Jupiter
Saturn's Rings and Rotation
The Length of A Saturn Day
2019 Meteorite makes hole in doghouse roof
Newly categorized dwarf planet: Hygiea
Complex geology on asteroid 4 Vesta
First TESS results
The Road to the Discovery of Solar Neutrinos
A New Type of Supernova
The second LIGO discovery
Multimedia for LIGO
Seeing the Milky Way in different wavelength bands
Quasar as a Probe of Missing Baryon Mass
The Hubble Constant Over Time
Aid to the Formation of Life on Earth
Redefining the second
Videos for teaching astronomy
Powers of Ten - movie
Christian Doppler and his background and his effect
The European Extremely Large Telescope
New version of figure for Table 3-1
Observing the Midnight Sun
A model Solar System
Search for life from 2020's Mars Rovers
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