As mid-southern U.S. rice producers continue to adopt furrow-irrigated rice (FIR) production practices, supplementary management efforts will be vital in combating Palmer amaranth due to the extended germination period provided by the lack of a continual flood. Previous research has revealed the ability of cover crops to suppress Palmer amaranth emergence in corn, cotton, and soybean production systems; however, research on cover crop weed control efficacy in rice production is scarce. Therefore, trials were initiated in Arkansas in 2022 and 2023 to evaluate the effect of cover crops across five site years on rice emergence, groundcover, grain yield, and total Palmer amaranth emergence. The cover crops evaluated were cereal rye, winter wheat, Austrian winterpea, and hairy vetch. Cover crop biomass accumulation varied by site year, ranging from 430 to 3,440 kg ha-1, with cereal rye generally being the most consistent producer of high-quantity biomass across site years. Rice growth and development were generally unaffected by cover crop establishment; however, all cover crops reduced rice emergence by up to 30% in one site year. Rice groundcover was reduced by 13% from cereal rye in one site year two weeks before heading but cover crops did not impact rough rice grain yield in any of the site years. Palmer amaranth emergence was reduced by 19 and 35% with cereal rye relative to the absence of a cover crop when rice was planted in April in Marianna and May in Fayetteville, respectively. In most trials, Palmer amaranth emergence was not reduced by a cereal cover crop. In most instances, legume cover crops resulted in less Palmer amaranth emergence than without a cover crop. Based on these results, legume cover crops appear to provide some suppression of Palmer amaranth emergence in FIR while having a minimal effect on rice establishment and yield.