A single crystal of NdBa2Cu3O7−δ was synthesized by the Top Seeded Solution Growth method (TSSG method). Then, the crystal was heat-treated 500 °C for 400 h and then 340 °C for 200 h in a pure oxygen gas flow. This sample showed critical current density (Jc) as high as 15,000 A/cm2 under a magnetic field, of 5 T, applied along the c-axis of the crystal. Electron microscopic studies with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) have revealed that the Ba/Nd ratio fluctuates between 2.0 and 0.7 with a wavelength of a few tens of nanometer. This implies that superconducting phase of Nd1.0Ba2.0Cu3O7−δ and nonsuperconducting phase of Nd1.8Ba1.2Cu3O7−δ mingle with each other, which is the ideal structure for high-Jc superconducting material.