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Military History - Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press

  • Neutral Macau, an ‘East Asian Casablanca’
  • 16 June 2023, Helena F. S. Lopes
  • Histories of neutrality and collaboration in the Second World War tend to focus on Europe. Yet, considering these dynamics in Asia is essential to understand The post Neutral Macau, an ‘East Asian Casablanca’ first appeared on Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press....
  • The First World War and the Middle Eastern Front
  • 05 June 2023, Michelle Tusan
  • The First World War was a war of empires that started in the Balkans and ended in the Middle East. Yet, some historians still see this war as a mostly European The post The First World War and the Middle Eastern Front first appeared on Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press....
  • When War Knocks on the Door: What Do Civilians Do?
  • 31 May 2023, Claire Andrieu
  • WW2 Comparative History from BelowWritten by Claire Andrieu Unlike the objects of its title, the subject of this book did not fall from the sky. I did not set The post When War Knocks on the Door: What Do Civilians Do? first appeared on Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press....

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