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Cambridge have an established and ever expanding academic law list in public and private law subjects crossing books and journals aimed at a global readership. Particular strengths lie in international law, human rights and transitional justice, transnational and comparative law, jurisprudence, and legal history. We also publish a growing number of titles with an inter-disciplinary and socio-legal approach.
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  • Decontextuality and Judiciary Nihilism: A Few Candid Regrets for a Dissenting Opinion
  • 17 September 2024, ASIANSIL Voices Editors
  • Find part one of this post here. 3. Decontextuality Since the Court was asked by the General Assembly to render a legal opinion about the legal consequences of the (illegally) prolonged occupation of Palestine, it may be arguably justifiable to be reticent about what has been going on in Palestine, especially Gaza, since 7 October 2023.…...
  • A Few Candid Regrets for a Dissenting Opinion
  • 16 September 2024, ASIANSIL Voices Editors
  • It is apparent that many international legal norms are not simply or genuinely legal, but are rather reflective of political power relations or one party’s...


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