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Why choose this journal?

Open Access options: JMBA is a hybrid journal, and offers authors the option to publish their article as gold open access with a choice of Creative Commons licenses. JMBA's publisher Cambridge University Press has made a number of agreements to support open access, and authors at participating institutions may be eligible for APC waivers and discounts. Check your eligibility here.

Plan S compliant: JMBA is registered with cOAlition S as a Transformative Journal, and so authors can be compliant with Plan S by choosing to publish their article as gold Open Access under a CC-BY license.

Wide reach: JMBA is included in major indexing databases including Web of Science and Scopus.

Reputation: First published in 1887, the JMBA is recognised as a key international journal for the publication of original research and reviews on all aspects of marine biology. JMBA is owned and managed by the Marine Biological Association, and published on their behalf by Cambridge University Press.

Fast publication times: Less than three weeks to first decision, and articles are published online within an average of one month from acceptance.

Marketing support: Cambridge University Press provides a suite of resources to help authors engage with readership, increase visibility and make articles more discoverable online. Where appropriate, they can also support with media / PR activities and promote via blog posts published on the Cambridge Core Blog and social media.

Lenient copyright requirements: authors retain copyright in their article. More information can be found on JMBA's Publishing agreement page.