Effects of repeated late-fall applications of the isopropylamine salt of glyphosate at 1.7 kg ae/ha plus 0.5% (v/v) surfactant on adventitious root buds, thickened propagative roots (> 1.3 mm diam), and shoot density of Canada thistle were studied in continuous hard red spring wheat over a 4-yr period. Glyphosate suppressed Canada thistle shoot density more quickly and to a greater extent than thickened root fresh weight or root bud number. A single fall application of glyphosate drastically decreased Canada thistle shoot density for 1 yr after treatment. However, shoot density was the same as the untreated control by 2 yr after a single fall treatment. Two consecutive late-fall applications of glyphosate in 2 yr decreased Canada thistle shoot density 94% in the fall 1 yr after the last treatment. Glyphosate reduced Canada thistle thickened root fresh weight 70% in the first fall 1 yr after a single fall treatment. However, 2 yr after a single fall application of glyphosate, root fresh weight equalled the controls. Two consecutive fall applications of glyphosate reduced thickened root fresh weight 77% 1 yr after the second treatment.