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> The Business Environment of Europe

The Business Environment of Europe Firms, Governments, and Institutions


Terrence R. Guay, Pennsylvania State University
Published 2014


The Business Environment of Europe is the first textbook to provide a complete overview of Europe's business landscape, examining the region's diverse economies and government policies within historical, political, and cultural contexts. This well-researched text examines the European Union and select European nations, and leads students to a full understanding of the structure and dynamics of specific industries, the impact of globalization on European companies, and the future challenges facing the region's business environment. Numerous tables, maps, figures, case studies…

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Key features

  • The author has more than fifteen years of teaching experience in international business, EU and political economy courses at both the undergraduate and postgraduate level
  • This up-to-date textbook addresses the needs of these varied levels and disciplines, discussing national context beyond the EU and using short case examples
  • Whereas other textbooks on Europe's business environment focus on specific nations or perspectives, this is the only textbook to provide a full, comprehensive overview of Europe's business environment
  • Bridges the gap between European business and European history, politics, culture and institutions, guiding students to a complete understanding of the rich business environment of Europe

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