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> Homer: Iliad Book XVIII

Homer: Iliad Book XVIII


Edited with Introduction and Notes by R. B. Rutherford, University of Oxford
Published 2019


Book 18 of the Iliad is an outstanding example of the range and power of Homeric epic. It describes the reaction of the hero Achilles to the death of his closest friend, and his decision to re-enter the conflict even though it means he will lose his own life. The book also includes the forging of the marvellous shield for the hero by the smith-god Hephaestus: the images on the shield are described by the poet in detail, and this…

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Key features

  • Presents an edition of this important and widely read text suitable for intermediate and advanced students of Greek
  • The introduction and commentary include abundant grammatical and linguistic help, as well as emphasising questions of literary interpretation
  • Contains a substantial appendix considering the relation between Iliad 18 and the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh

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