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> Introducing Syntax

Introducing Syntax


Olaf Koeneman, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Hedde Zeijlstra, Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, Germany
Published 2017


Syntax is the system of rules that we subconsciously follow when we build sentences. Whereas the grammar of English (or other languages) might look like a rather chaotic set of arbitrary patterns, linguistic science has revealed that these patterns can actually be understood as the result of a small number of grammatical principles. This lively introductory textbook is designed for undergraduate students in linguistics, English and modern languages with relatively little background in the subject, offering the necessary tools for…

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Key features

  • Presents the major insights behind syntactic theory in one clear and coherent narrative, avoiding unnecessary technical detail
  • Suitable for readers from linguistics, literature and English language backgrounds
  • Pays attention to most canonical phenomena and constructions of English syntax, fitting them into the overall narrative
  • Features highlighted key terms, chapter introductions and summaries, further reading suggestions, plus numerous exercises

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