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> Language and Gender

Language and Gender


Penelope Eckert, Stanford University, California, Sally McConnell-Ginet, Cornell University, New York
Published 2013


Language and Gender is an introduction to the study of the relation between gender and language use, written by two leading experts in the field. This new edition, thoroughly updated and restructured, brings out more strongly an emphasis on practice and change, while retaining the broad scope of its predecessor and its accessible introductions which explain the key concepts in a non-technical way. The authors integrate issues of sexuality more thoroughly into the discussion, exploring more diverse gendered and sexual…

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Key features

  • Written by two of the world's leading experts in the field of language and gender
  • Opening three chapters provide an introduction to, and history of, the subject in non-technical language – essential reading for students new to the subject
  • Encourages more nuanced ways of exploring gender and language issues than a 'Mars and Venus' account, by engaging with the complexity of gender and of the relation between language use and social practice
  • Explores a wide range of topics, including sexuality and non-normative sexual and gender identities

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