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> Virgil: Aeneid Book XI

Virgil: Aeneid Book XI


Edited with Introduction and Notes by Scott McGill, Rice University, Houston
Published 2020


Virgil's Aeneid XI is an important, yet sometimes overlooked, book which covers the funerals following the fierce fighting in Book X and a council of the Latins before they and the Trojans resume battle after the end of the truce. This edition contains a thorough Introduction which provides context for Book XI both within and beyond the rest of the poem, explores key characters such as Aeneas and Camilla, and deals with issues of metre and textual transmission. The line-by-line…

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Key features

  • A complete but accessible edition of an important, yet sometimes overlooked, book of this epic poem
  • Provides detailed syntactical and lexical help for students, including translations where necessary, so that they can appreciate Virgil's language
  • Contains an introduction which discusses key characters and themes, metrical issues, and textual transmission, and provides context both within and beyond the rest of the poem

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