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Building Quantum Computers A Practical Introduction


, Harvard University, Massachusetts, , University of Waterloo, Ontario, , University of Waterloo, Ontario
Published 2024


The global race to build the world's first quantum computer has attracted enormous investment from government and industry, and it attracts a growing pool of talent. As with many cutting-edge technologies, the optimal implementation is not yet settled. This important textbook describes four of the most advanced platforms for quantum computing: nuclear magnetic resonance, quantum optics, trapped ions, and superconducting systems. The fundamental physical concepts underpinning the practical implementation of quantum computing are reviewed, followed by a balanced analysis of…

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Key features

  • Reviews the necessary quantum mechanics and physics background, aiming to be as self-contained as possible
  • Maintains consistent notation and terminology, streamlining discussions of different quantum computing hardware
  • Introduces key quantum computing concepts in a variety of scenarios to broaden student comprehension
  • Includes balanced analysis of the strengths and weaknesses inherent to each type of hardware, providing a well-rounded understanding of current technologies

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