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> Symmetry, Broken Symmetry, and Topology in Modern Physics

Symmetry, Broken Symmetry, and Topology in Modern Physics A First Course


Mike Guidry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Yang Sun, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Published 2022


Written for use in teaching and for self-study, this book provides a comprehensive and pedagogical introduction to groups, algebras, geometry, and topology. It assimilates modern applications of these concepts, assuming only an advanced undergraduate preparation in physics. It provides a balanced view of group theory, Lie algebras, and topological concepts, while emphasizing a broad range of modern applications such as Lorentz and Poincaré invariance, coherent states, quantum phase transitions, the quantum Hall effect, topological matter, and Chern numbers, among many…

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Key features

  • A comprehensive introduction to uses of groups, algebras, and topology in modern physics, written at a level suitable for both advanced undergraduate and graduate students
  • Provides a broader and more integrated view of current applications in modern physics of groups, algebras, and topology, reflective of the authors' own research and teaching experience
  • Supports both instructors and students in teaching and learning through the inclusion of 344 worked problems with full solutions

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