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> The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618–1815

The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618–1815


Charles W. Ingrao, Purdue University, Indiana
Published 2019


Geographically and linguistically diverse, by 1789 the Habsburg monarchy had laid the groundwork for a single European polity capable of transcending its unique cultural and historic heritage. Challenging the conventional notion of the Habsburg state and society as peculiarly backward, Charles W. Ingrao traces its emergence as a military and cultural power of enormous influence. In doing so, he unravels a web of social, political, economic and cultural factors that shaped the Habsburg monarchy during the period. Firmly established as…

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Key features

  • A much expanded third edition of a leading and highly acclaimed textbook
  • Incorporates a quarter of a century of new scholarship, including contributions by a new generation of Czech, Hungarian, Croatian and Serbian historians
  • Offers expanded coverage of the monarchy's periphery and of its musical and cultural heritage

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