July 2016

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Risk factors for dementia diagnosis

The July International Psychogeriatrics Article of the Month is entitled “Risk factors for dementia diagnosis in German primary care practices” by Anke Booker, Louis EC Jacob, Michael Rapp, Jens Bohlken and Karel Kostev.…

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Researchers find lifestyle link in depression

Researchers following the progress of 1200 people for five years have found strong links between unhealthy lifestyles and depression. Researchers at the University of Tasmania’s Menzies Institute for Medical Research studied the impact of lifestyle on depression and the impact of depression on lifestyle.…

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Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases

In this blog Professor Andy Fenton discusses the recent special issue of Parasitology on Mathematical modelling of infectious diseases. The field of disease ecology – the study of the spread and impact of parasites and pathogens within their host populations and communities – has a long history of using mathematical models.…

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Hedging in the Anthropocene: the risks and rewards of a fossil fuel versus a photovoltaic energy supply

The climate is changing. We have left the Holocene and entered the Anthropocene, the era in which human enterprise is pushing the planetary functioning of essential cycles (e.g. of CO2) into a potentially unstable regime. Human enterprise, by burning fossil fuels for electrical, heat and motive power is the central cause of climate change, and is driven by an economic system that promotes insatiable consumption.

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Help at hand for people watching their weight

Hands can be used to estimate portion size following the development of a portable and easy-to-use method according to research by the University of Sydney’s Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise & Eating Disorders and published in the Journal of Nutritional Science.

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