November 2020

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Creating a healthier food environment in Singapore: Analysis

Public Health Nutrition Editorial Highlight: ‘Identifying implementation gaps and priorities for the Singapore government to improve food environment policies:  perspectives from a local expert panel’ In March 2018 we invited a panel of 20 national experts in public health nutrition or chronic disease prevention to evaluate the actions of the Singapore’s governments in creating healthier food environments.…

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Understanding the Mexica

Articles in Ancient Mesoamerica offer insights about the Mexican highlands before, during, and after the Mexica took control of it. In only a couple hundred years, they created an empire that stretched from coast to coast in ancient Mesoamerica.…

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Health care in a post-growth world

COVID-19 has placed the world on an economic rollercoaster unlike anything seen for generations.  As the reality that COVID-19 and its effects will likely be with us for years to come, people and societies around the world long for a “return to normal”. …

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The paradox of defence diplomacy in Southeast Asia

Drawing on their article for the European Journal of International Security, Jun Yan Chang and Nicole Jenne discuss ‘The paradox of defence diplomacy in Southeast Asia’ Defence diplomacy is usually promoted as a cooperative activity between the armed forces and related infrastructure of different states to build trust and confidence between said states.…

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Why remember the fifth of November?

It shows that the king did not share the interpretation of the Gunpowder plot and the purposes of thanksgiving which were propounded by parliament and by generations of English preachers and writers... as further justification for anti-catholic beliefs and policies.

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