APSR Editors

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Navigating an R&R

On a first invitation to revise and resubmit, you will have at least three reviews and a letter from us that may suggest how to work with the reviews or provide you with additional advice. But how do you work through this advice, particularly when it is contradictory or advice that you disagree with? And what should you include in the detailed memo we request that you include with your resubmission?

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What Makes a Good APSR Article?

Our editorial team created this blog as part of our effort to increase the transparency about the journal. The blog is a place to explain policies and procedures and to communicate the norms and expectations that guide our work at the journal.…

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APSR Editorial Report – Fall 2020

Prior to the beginning of our tenure, we set out a vision statement for the APSR revolving around six principles. One of these principles is editorial transparency, specifically as it refers to sharing with our community information about our editorial workflow and characteristics of our authors, reviewers, and readership during our tenure.…

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