Hannah Murray

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Survivor guilt: A cognitive approach

The November BABCP Article of the Month is from the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist (tCBT) and is entitled “Survivor guilt: a cognitive approach” by Hannah Murray, Yasmin Pethania and Evelina Medin The first client I saw with survivor guilt was a military veteran who had swapped patrols with a fellow soldier, only for his friend to be killed in an explosion.…

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Repairing the soul: Cognitive Therapy for Moral Injury after Trauma

The February BABCP Article of the Month is from the Cognitive Behaviour Therapist and is entitled “Cognitive Therapy for Moral Injury in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder” by Hannah Murray and Anke Ehlers Media images of healthcare professionals overwhelmed and exhausted by a relentless torrent of seriously ill and dying patients have filled our screens over recent weeks.…

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