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Tolerating discomfort and engaging authentically – ethical challenges in developing culturally responsive clinical practices with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Australian First Nation peoples’ mental health and wellbeing experiences are holistic and deeply linked to Country, kin and culture. A recently published article, “Understanding and working with different worldviews to co-design cultural security in clinical mental health settings to engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients”, explains how bringing First Nation worldviews together with non-Indigenous worldviews has opened up conversations and reflections about the ethical guidelines by which many mental health practitioners frame their work practices.…

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New wallaby-sized dinosaur from the ancient Australian-Antarctic rift valley

Upper jaws of a new dinosaur from Victoria, Australia, give fresh insight into the diversity of small herbivorous dinosaurs that once inhabited the ancient Australian-Antarctic rift valley 125 million years ago A new, wallaby-sized herbivorous dinosaur has been identified from five fossilized upper jaws in 125 million year old rocks from the Cretaceous period of Victoria, southeastern Australia.…

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Climate change helped kill off super-sized Ice Age animals in Australia

A new study in Paleobiology has compared the diet of a variety of Australian megafaunal herbivores from the period when they were widespread (350,000 to 570,000 years ago) to a period when they were in decline (30,000 to 40,000 years ago) by studying their fossil teeth. The analysis suggests that climate change had a significant impact on their diets and may well have been a primary factor in their extinction.

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Mutiny on the High Seas!

The Age of Revolution Between the 1760s and late 1840s, revolutionary ferment broke out across much of the Atlantic world: erupting in multiple places, spreading inward and outward, moving multi-directionally across Europe, the Americas, and the Caribbean, waves of insurrectionary violence toppled thrones and shattered empires.…

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