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New wallaby-sized dinosaur from the ancient Australian-Antarctic rift valley

Upper jaws of a new dinosaur from Victoria, Australia, give fresh insight into the diversity of small herbivorous dinosaurs that once inhabited the ancient Australian-Antarctic rift valley 125 million years ago A new, wallaby-sized herbivorous dinosaur has been identified from five fossilized upper jaws in 125 million year old rocks from the Cretaceous period of Victoria, southeastern Australia.…

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Intrepid ecologists find treasure of birdlife

In a recent study published in Bird Conservation International, authors from Perth Edith Cowan University have carried out research in Papua New Guinea to understand how logging and palm oil plantations is affecting rare bird numbers.…

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Unimagining conservation

The EC Perspectives paper from the March issue of Environmental Conservation is entitled Ecological history of Lachlan Nature Reserve, Centennial Park, Sydney, Australia: a palaeoecological approach to conservation by Rebecca Hamilton and Dan Penny.…

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