plan s

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Our response to cOAlition S’s proposal for transformative journals

In November last year, cOAlition S proposed a new route to compliance with Plan S: transformative journals. In brief, the proposal requires transformative journals to: Grow their Open Access (OA) primary research content by 8 percentage points a year, to flip to wholly OA when they reach 50% OA or by end 2024 at the latest To  have transparent pricing for both the OA content (with services breakdown)  and subscription content (avoiding double-dipping) To offer APC waivers and discounts To transform to OA with overall cost neutrality To ‘regularly update’ authors on the usage, citations, and online attention of their articles.…

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Plan S and our progress to an open future

In May, cOAlition S updated their implementation guidelines for Plan S following a consultation period. The revised guidelines provide useful clarity on a number of points, and give us a firmer idea of how the journals we publish can comply with Plan S.…

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