Recalibrating Risk and Regulation after Oil Spills, Nuclear Accidents and Financial Crises
Book contents
- Policy Shock
- Policy Shock
- Copyright page
- Contents
- Figures
- Tables
- Boxes
- Contributors
- Acknowledgments
- 1 Introduction
- Part I The Conceptual Terrain of Crises and Risk Perceptions
- Part II Case Studies on Offshore Oil Spills
- Part III Case Studies on Nuclear Accidents
- Part IV Case Studies of Financial Crises
- Part V Conclusions
- Index
- References
Part I - The Conceptual Terrain of Crises and Risk Perceptions
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 October 2017
Book contents
- Policy Shock
- Policy Shock
- Copyright page
- Contents
- Figures
- Tables
- Boxes
- Contributors
- Acknowledgments
- 1 Introduction
- Part I The Conceptual Terrain of Crises and Risk Perceptions
- Part II Case Studies on Offshore Oil Spills
- Part III Case Studies on Nuclear Accidents
- Part IV Case Studies of Financial Crises
- Part V Conclusions
- Index
- References
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- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Policy ShockRecalibrating Risk and Regulation after Oil Spills, Nuclear Accidents and Financial Crises, pp. 1 - 40Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2017
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