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Cambridge University Press
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August 2012
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Charles Dickens, a man so representative of his age as to have become considered synonymous with it, demands to be read in context. This book illuminates the worlds - social, political, economic and artistic - in which Dickens worked. Dickens's professional life encompassed work as a novelist, journalist, editor, public reader and passionate advocate of social reform. This volume offers a detailed treatment of Dickens in each of these roles, exploring the central features of Dickens's age, work and legacy, and uncovering sometimes surprising faces of the man and of the range of Dickens industries. Through 45 digestible short chapters written by a leading expert on each topic, a rounded picture emerges of Dickens's engagement with his time, the influence of his works and the ways he has been read, adapted and re-imagined from the nineteenth century to the present.

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Further reading
Lives of Dickens
Ackroyd, Peter, Dickens (London: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1990; New York: HarperCollins, 1990).
Allen, Michael, Charles Dickens' Childhood (New York: St Martin's Press, 1988).
Andrews, Malcolm, Charles Dickens and his Performing Selves: Dickens and the Public Readings (Oxford University Press, 2006).
Benton, Michael, Literary Biography: An Introduction (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009).
Dolby, George, Charles Dickens as I Knew Him: The Story of the Reading Tours in Great Britain and America, 1866–1870 (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1885).
Fielding, K. J., Charles Dickens (London: British Council, 1960).
Forster, John, The Life of Charles Dickens, 3 vols (London: Chapman & Hall, 1872–4).
Slater, Michael, Charles Dickens (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009).
Slater, Michael, ed., Dickens and Fame, special issue of Dickensian, 66:2 (1970).
Storey, Graham and Tillotson, Kathleen et al., eds, The Letters of Charles Dickens, 12 vols. (Oxford University Press, 19652002).
Tomalin, Claire, The Invisible Woman (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991).
Booth, Michael, Theatre in the Victorian Age (Oxford University Press, 1963).
James, Louis, Fiction for the Working Man (Oxford University Press, 1963).
Nicholl, Allardyce, A History of English Drama 1600–1900, vol. 4 (Cambridge University Press, 1960).
Pemberton, Thomas E.Charles Dickens and the Stage (London: G. Redway, 1888).
Powell, Kerry, ed., Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre (Cambridge University Press, 2004).
Schlicke, Paul, ed., The Oxford Reader's Companion to Dickens (Oxford University Press, 1999).
Vlock, Deborah, Dickens, Novel Reading, and Victorian Popular Theatre (Cambridge University Press, 1998).
Reviews in Victorian Periodicals
Chittick, Kathryn, The Critical Reception of Charles Dickens, 1833–1841 (New York: Garland, 1989).
Collins, Philip, ed., Dickens: The Critical Heritage (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1971).
Ford, George H., Dickens and his Readers (Princeton University Press, 1955).
Ford, George H. and Jnr, Lauriate Lane, eds, The Dickens Critics (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1961).
Gross, John, The Rise and Fall of the Man of Letters (Harmondsworth: Pelican Books, 1973 [1969]).
Mazzeno, Larry W., The Dickens Industry: Critical Perspectives 1836–2005 (New York: Camden House, 2008).
Fanger, Donald, Dostoevsky and Romantic Realism (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1965).
MacPike, Loralee, Dostoevsky's Dickens: A Study of Literary Influence (London: George Prior Publishers, 1981).
Connor, Steven, ed., Charles Dickens (London: Longman, 1996).
Ford, George, Dickens and his Readers (Princeton University Press, 1955).
Mazzeno, Laurence W., The Dickens Industry: Critical Perspectives, 1836–2005 (New York: Camden House, 2008).
Pykett, Lyn, Charles Dickens (Houndmills:Palgrave, 2002).
Slater, Michael, ed., Dickens and Fame, special issue of Dickensian, 66:2 (1970).
Westland, Ella and Trezise, Simon, ‘Dickens and Critical Change’, Dickens Quarterly, 9 (1992), 170–81; 10 (1993), 161–70 and 208–18; 11 (1994), 26–35, 127–37 and 187–96.
Modern stage adaptations
The Dickensian, published by the Dickens Fellowship from 1905 onwards, is a valuable source of review material on both professional and amateur productions.
Bolton, H. Philip, Dickens Dramatized (London:Mansell Publishing, 1987).
Edgar, David, ‘Adapting Nickleby’, Dickensian, 76 (1983), 21–30. This essay also appears in Robert Giddings (ed.), The Changing World of Charles Dickens (London: Vision Press, 1983), 135–47.
Fawcett, F. Dubrez, Dickens the Dramatist (London:W. H. Allen, 1952).
Glavin, John, After Dickens: Reading, Adaptation and Performance (CambridgeUniversity Press, 1999).
Rubin, Leon, The Nicholas Nickleby Story (London:Heinemann, 1981).
MOdern screen adaptations
Glavin, John (ed.), Dickens on Screen (Cambridge University Press, 2003).
Pointer, Michael,Charles Dickens on the Screen (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1996).
Smith, Grahame,Dickens and the Dream of Cinema (Manchester University Press, 2003).
The Heritage Industry
Boswell, David and Jessica, Evans, eds, Representing the Nation: A Reader. Histories, Heritage and Museums (London: Routledge, 1999).
Gardiner, John, The Victorians: An Age in Retrospect (London: Hambledon & London, 2002).
Gardiner, John, ‘Theme-Park Victoriana’, in The Victorians since 1901: Histories, Representations and Revisions, ed. Taylor, Miles and Wolff, Michael (Manchester University Press, 2004), 167–80.
Herbert, David T., ‘Heritage as Literary Place’, in Heritage, Tourism and Society, ed. Herbert, David T. (London: Mansell, 1995), 32–48.
John, Juliet, Dickens and Mass Culture (Oxford University Press, 2010).
Lowenthal, David, The Heritage Crusade and the Spoils of History (Cambridge University Press, 1998).
Swenson, Astrid, The Rise of Heritage Industry: France, Germany and England, 1789–1946 (Cambridge University Press, in press).
Neo-Victorian Dickens
Gribble, Jennifer, ‘Portable Property: Postcolonial Appropriations of Great Expectations’, in Victorian Turns, NeoVictorian Returns: Essays on Fiction and Culture, ed. Gay, Penny, Johnston, Judith and Waters, Catherine (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2008), 182–92.
Joyce, Simon, The Victorians in the Rearview Mirror (Athens: Ohio University Press, 2007).
Kaplan, Cora, Victoriana: Histories, Fictions, Criticism (Edinburgh University Press, 2007).
Kucich, John and Sadoff, Dianne F., eds, Victorian Afterlife: Postmodern Culture Rewrites the Nineteenth Century (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000).
Savu, Laura E., ‘The “Crooked” Business of Storytelling: Authorship and Cultural Revisionism in Peter Carey's Jack Maggs’, ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature, 36:3–4 (2005), 127–63.
Altick, Richard, The Shows of London: A Panoramic History of Exhibitions 1600–1862 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978).
Andrews, Malcolm, Dickens and his Performing Selves: Dickens's Public Readings (Oxford University Press, 2006).
Assael, Brenda, The Circus and Victorian Society (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2005).
Bailey, Peter, Leisure and Class in Victorian England: Rational Recreation and the Contest for Control, 1830–1885 (London: Routledge, 1978).
Collins, Philip, ‘Dickens and Popular Amusements’, Dickensian 61 (1965), 7–19.
Malcolmson, Robert, Popular Recreations in English Society 1700–1850 (Cambridge University Press, 1973).
Schlicke, Paul, Dickens and Popular Entertainment (London: Allen & Unwin, 1985).
Strutt, Joseph, The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England from the earliest period, including the rural and domestic recreations, May games, mummeries, pageants, processions and pompous spectacles, illustrated by reproductions from ancient paintings in which are represented most of the popular diversions (Bath: Firecrest, 1969 [1801]).
The Rise of Celebrity Culture
Braudy, Leo, The Frenzy of Renown: Fame and its History (Oxford University Press, 1986).
Dames, Nicholas, ‘Brushes with Fame: Thackeray and the Work of Celebrity Author(s)’, Nineteenth-Century Literature, 56:1 (2001), 23–51.
Fisher, Judith L., ‘“In the Present Famine of Anything Substantial”: Fraser's “Portraits” and the Construction of Literary Celebrity’, Victorian Periodicals Review, 39:2 (2006), 97–135.
Hargreaves, Roger and Hamilton, Peter, The Beautiful and Damned: The Creation of Identity in Nineteenth-Century Photography (London: Lund Humphries in association with the National Portrait Gallery, 2001).
Rojek, Chris, Celebrity (London: Reaktion, 2001).
Salmon, Richard, ‘Signs of Intimacy: The Literary Celebrity in the “Age of Interviewing”’, Victorian Literature and Culture, 25:1 (1997), 159–77.
Yates, Edmund, Celebrities at Home, 2 vols. (London: Office of The World, 1877–9).
Barker, Hannah, Newspapers, Politics and English Society, 1695–1855 (Harlow: Longman, 2000).
Brake, Laurel and Demoor, Marysa, eds, The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism (London: Academia Press/British Library, 2009).
Chittick, Kathryn, Dickens and the 1830s (Cambridge University Press, 1990).
Drew, John M. L., Dickens the Journalist (Houndmills: Palgrave, 2003).
Kellett, E. E., ‘The Press’, in Early Victorian England, 1830–1865, ed. Young, G. M., 2 vols (Oxford University Press, 1934), vol. ii, 3–97.
King, Andrew and Plunkett, John, Victorian Print Media: A Reader (Oxford University Press, 2006).
Patten, Robert L., Charles Dickens and his Publishers (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978).
Shattock, Joanne and Wolff, Michael, eds, The Victorian Periodical Press: Samplings and Soundings (Leicester University Press, 1982).
Sullivan, Alvin, ed., British Literary Magazines, 4 vols (Westport, CN: Greenwood Press, 1983–6).
Gardiner, John, Waterloo Directories of Irish, Scottish and English Newspapers and Periodicals, 1800–1900, 13 vols (Waterloo, ON: North Waterloo Academic Press, 1986–2003).
Deane, Bradley, The Making of the Victorian Novelist: Anxieties of Authorship in the Mass Market (New York: Routledge, 2003).
Erickson, Lee, The Economy of Literary Form: English Literature and the Industrialization of Publishing, 1800–1850 (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996).
Patten, Robert L., Charles Dickens and his Publishers (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978).
Shillingsburg, Peter L., Pegasus in Harness: Victorian Publishing and W. M. Thackeray (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1992).
Booth, Michael, Prefaces to English Nineteenth-Century Theatre (Manchester University Press, 1976).
Booth, Michael, Theatre in the Victorian Age (Cambridge University Press, 1991).
Davis, Jim and Emeljanow, Victor, Reflecting the Audience: London Theatregoing, 1840–1880 (University of Iowa Press, 2001).
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Fisher, Judith and Watt, Stephen, eds, When They Weren't Doing Shakespeare: Essays on Nineteenth-Century British and American Theatre (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1989).
Hays, Michael and Nikolopoulou, Anastasia, Melodrama: The Cultural Emergence of a Genre (New York: St Martin's Press, 1996).
Powell, Kerry, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Victorian and Edwardian Theatre (Cambridge University Press, 2004).
Rowell, George, The Victorian Theatre: A Survey (Oxford University Press, 1956).
Vlock, Deborah, Dickens, Novel Reading, and the Victorian Popular Theatre (Cambridge University Press, 1998).
Axton, William, Circle of Fire: Dickens' Vision and Style and the Popular Victorian Theatre (Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1966).
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Bratton, Jacky, Cook, Jim and Gledhill, Christine, eds, Melodrama: Stage, Picture, Screen (London: British Film Institute, 1994).
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Ormond, Leonee, ‘Dickens and Painting: The Old Masters’, Dickensian, 79 (1983), 130–51.
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The Illustrated Novel
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