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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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Democracy identifies the general processes causing democratization and de-democratization at a national level across the world over the last few hundred years. It singles out integration of trust networks into public politics, insulation of public politics from categorical inequality, and suppression of autonomous coercive power centres as crucial processes. Through analytic narratives and comparisons of multiple regimes, mostly since World War II, this book makes the case for recasting current theories of democracy, democratization and de-democratization.


'In this compelling work, Charles Tilly brings his unrivaled historical knowledge to bear on fundamental questions of democracy. His argument focuses on long-run social processes, not only those that further democratization but also those that often rapidly undermine it. In restoring the centrality of history to scholarship on democratization, he sets a research agenda that will occupy scholars for some time to come.'

Elisabeth Jean Wood - Yale University and the Santa Fe Institute

‘Accessibly written, the volume will reward a broad readership.’

Source: Political Studies Review

'Tilly presents the book as the 'culmination and synthesis' (p. xii) of his democratisation work and its final pages contain a provocative challenge to those in the democratisation business. … those interested in promoting democracy should focus on supporting the three process-based developments he identifies. Accessibly written, the volume will reward a broad readership.''

Source: Political Studies Review

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