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From integro-differential models to data-oriented approaches for emergent phenomena
03 Jul 2023 to 31 Dec 2023


In recent years, kinetic and, more in general, integro-differential models emerged as a powerful mathematical framework for the description of collective observable phenomena in real systems. 

The multiscale nature of these equations, linking microscopic decision-making tasks to macroscopic measurable patterns, permits an efficient investigation of emergent phenomena in a variety of contexts.

Just to mention a few of them, we recall: (i) physical problems, like energy fusion or radiative transfer for medical imaging; (ii) consensus-based/ensemble-type algorithms for particle optimization; (iii) biological problems, like the dynamics of cell aggregates up to the tissue scale; (iv) social problems, like the formation of opinions, the distribution of wealth, population dynamics in connection with the spread of infectious diseases; (v) robotics and the management of artificial swarms of programmed agents. 

In this special volume we collect novel perspectives from experts actively working on research problems in these and related fields.

Guest Editors:

Seung-Yeal Ha (Seoul National University)
Qin Li (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Andrea Tosin (Politecnico di Torino)
Mattia Zanella (University of Pavia)

Submission deadline:

31 December 2023

Additional author instructions can be viewed here