1. Introduction
A semigroup
is finitely presented if it can be defined by a presentation
$\langle A\mid R\rangle$
with both
finite. Examples of finitely presented semigroups include all finite semigroups, finitely generated free semigroups, finitely generated commutative semigroups [Reference Rédei17], all groups that are finitely presented as groups, including all finitely generated free groups, and the bicyclic monoid [Reference Clifford and Preston3, Section 1.12]. By way of contrast, Schein [Reference Schein21] proved that free inverse semigroups are not finitely presented. The most surprising aspect of this, which is also the main step in the proof of the general result and the starting point for the present paper, is that this is true even for the monogenic free inverse semigroup:
Theorem 1 (B.M. Schein [Reference Schein21, Lemma 3]). The monogenic free inverse semigroup is not finitely presented as a semigroup.
Motivated by Theorem 1, we investigate finite presentability of subsemigroups (not necessarily inverse) of the monogenic free inverse semigroup and prove the following complete characterisation:
Main Theorem. A finitely generated subsemigroup of the monogenic free inverse semigroup is finitely presented as a semigroup if and only if it contains only finitely many idempotents.
As an immediate consequence we also prove:
be a finitely generated inverse subsemigroup of the monogenic free inverse semigroup. Then
is finitely presented as a semigroup if and only if
is a finite semilattice.
The two results are in a somewhat stark contrast with the behaviour of one-generator free objects in some other varieties. For example, the non-trivial subgroups of the cyclic free group
are all isomorphic to
, while subsemigroups of the monogenic free semigroup
are all finitely generated [Reference Sit and Siu22] and hence finitely presented ([Reference Rédei17], [Reference Clifford and Preston4, Chapter 9]). This behaviour is also very different from finite presentability of inverse subsemigroups as inverse semigroups: Oliveira and Silva proved in [Reference Oliveira and Silva15] that every finitely generated inverse subsemigroup of the monogenic free inverse semigroup is finitely presented as an inverse semigroup. Finally, and this time not surprisingly, the behaviour of subsemigroups of the monogenic free inverse semigroup is different from those of a free inverse semigroup of rank
$\gt 1$
. In [Reference Oliveira and Silva15, Example 6.1], the authors exhibit an example of a finitely generated subsemigroup in the free inverse semigroup of rank
which has no finite inverse semigroup presentation. Also in this direction, Reilly [Reference Reilly18, Reference Reilly19] established a necessary and sufficient condition for an inverse subsemigroup of a free inverse semigroup given by a set of generators to be free over that set of generators.
There are further examples in literature of finiteness properties with respect to which (monogenic) free inverse semigroups show a radically different behaviour from their group- and ‘plain’ semigroup counterparts. For example, Cutting and Solomon [Reference Cutting and Solomon5] proved that the a free inverse semigroup does not admit a regular set of normal forms with respect to any generating set. Gray and Steinberg [Reference Gray and Steinberg8] showed that free inverse semigroups do not satisfy the finiteness condition
. In both cases, the brunt of the work is to deal with the monogenic case.
From a broader perspective, all the above results, as well as the result that is proved here, can be viewed as confirming that the presentation theory of inverse semigroups is substantively different in nature from the corresponding theories for groups and semigroups. We refer the reader to the survey articles [Reference Meakin12, Reference Meakin13] by Meakin for a nice treatment of the similarities, differences and resulting relationships. Perhaps the starkest expression of the difference is the recent result of Gray [Reference Gray6] exhibiting an example of a one-relation inverse semigroup with an undecidable word problem; and this can be contrasted to some extent with the more positive results such as [Reference Birget, Margolis and Meakin2, Reference Gray and Ruškuc7, Reference Ivanov, Margolis and Meakin10].
Our paper is structured as follows. In Section 2, we give definitions and basic results about semigroup presentations and the monogenic free inverse semigroup. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to proving each of the two implications in the Main Theorem. The Corollary is quickly proved at the end of the paper.
2. Preliminaries
2.1. General notation
The set of natural numbers
$\{1,2,\dots \}$
will be denoted by
, the set of non-negative integers by
$\mathbb{N}_0\,:\!=\,\mathbb{N}\cup \{0\}$
, and the set of integers by
. We will use the standard interval notations for subsets of
$[m,n]\,:\!=\,\{m,m+1,\dots, n\}$
2.2. Semigroup presentations
be a set of letters and let
be the free semigroup on
. A semigroup presentation is an ordered pair
$\langle A \mid R \rangle$
; we call
the generators and
$R \subseteq A^{+}\times A^{+}$
the defining relations of
$\langle A \mid R \rangle$
. We write
$R^{\sharp }$
for the congruence on
generated by
. A semigroup
is defined by
$\langle A \mid R\rangle$
with respect to a mapping
$\theta \colon A \to S$
if the unique extension of
to a homomorphism
$\theta \,:\,{A}^{+}\rightarrow S$
is onto and
$\ker \theta = R^{\sharp }$
. We say that
is finitely presented if both
can be chosen to be finite. Throughout this paper, we will use the same symbol for a map
$A\rightarrow S$
and for its unique homomorphism extension
$A^+\rightarrow S$
Suppose a semigroup
is defined by
$\langle A\mid R\rangle$
$\theta \colon A\rightarrow S$
. Let
$u, v\in A^+$
. We say that
is obtained from
by applying a relation in
$u = prq$
$v = psq$
$p, q \in A^{\ast }$
$(s, r)$
is in
. An elementary sequence (with respect to
, from
) is a sequence
$w_1, \dots, w_n$
such that
$w_1 = u$
$w_n = v$
and each
is obtained from
by applying a relation in
. Then
$u\theta = v\theta$
if and only if there exists an elementary sequence from
Now let
be another semigroup, and
$\phi \,:\, A\rightarrow T$
a mapping such that its extension
$\phi \colon A^+\rightarrow T$
is onto. We say that
satisfies the defining relations
if for each
$(r, s)\in R$
we have
$r\phi = s\phi$
, that is if
$R \subseteq \ker \phi$
. Then, there is a unique onto homomorphism
$\psi \colon S \to T$
$\phi =\theta \psi$
. In particular,
is a homomorphic image of
. For a more systematic introduction to semigroup presentations, see [Reference Clifford and Preston3, Section 1.12] and [Reference Clifford and Preston4, Section 9.2].
2.3. Monogenic free inverse semigroups
For background on inverse semigroups, we refer the reader to any standard textbook such as [Reference Clifford and Preston3, Reference Howie9, Reference Lawson11, Reference Petrich16]. It is well known that free objects exist for inverse semigroups; for an account, see [Reference Lawson11, Chapter 6]. In this paper, we focus solely on the monogenic free inverse semigroup, which will be denoted by
. It can be represented as follows. The elements of
are certain triples:

and the multiplication and inversion are as follows:

An element
$({-}a, p, b)\in FI_1$
is an idempotent if and only if
$p = 0$
Some readers may be more used to viewing the elements in a free inverse semigroup as Munn trees; see [Reference Munn14] and [Reference Lawson11, Chapter 6]. For
the Munn trees are simply directed paths with inital and terminal vertices, and the translation between the two representations is straightforward. The triple
corresponds to the following Munn tree:

In the figure, the initial and terminal vertices are indicated by the ‘loose’ in- and out-arrows, respectively. The sign of
is positive if and only if the terminal vertex lies on the right-hand side of the initial vertex. The numbers of edges between the initial and leftmost vertices, the initial and rightmost vertices, and the initial and terminal vertices correspond to
$\vert p \vert$
, respectively.
We now give a semigroup presentation for
Proposition 2.1 ([Reference Schein21, Lemma 1]). The monogenic free inverse semigroup
is defined by:

$\phi \colon x\mapsto (0, 1, 1),\ x^{-1}\mapsto ({-}1, -1, 0)$
, with

Note that, with the notation as above, we have
$(x^{-a}x^{a}x^{b}x^{-b}x^{p})\phi =({-}a, p, b)$
We partition
into its

These arise from the standard Green theory (see [Reference Howie9, Chapter 2]), but this will not be needed here, nor will any of the other Green’s equivalences
. For every
$n\in \mathbb{N}$
, the union
$\bigcup _{i\geq n} D_i$
is an ideal of

Figure 1. Semilattice of idempotents of
We say that an element
$({-}a, p, b)$
is positive, negative or of sign
$p \gt 0$
$p \lt 0$
$p = 0$
, respectively. The elements of sign
are precisely the idempotents of
. The set of all idempotents of
is partially ordered by:

This actually coincides with the natural partial order arising from general theory (see [Reference Howie9, Chapter 5] or [Reference Lawson11, Chapter 1]). The resulting partially ordered set is isomorphic to
$\mathbb{N}_0\times \mathbb{N}_0\setminus \{(0,0)\}$
and is depicted in Figure 1. In the diagram, the idempotents are in the same
-class if and only if they are on the same horizontal level. Two idempotents
$({-}a, 0, b)$
$({-}c, 0, d)$
are incomparable if and only if
$(a-c)(b-d)\lt 0$
3. Infinitely many idempotents
The aim of this section is to prove the following proposition which is the forward direction of the Main Theorem.
Proposition 3.1.
be a finitely generated subsemigroup of
. If
contains infinitely many idempotents, then
is not finitely presented.
The proof is somewhat technical, but the underlying idea is as follows. It can be viewed as a variation of Schein’s original proof of Theorem 1. There, he exhibits two specific partial transformations, namely
$\alpha _n$
$\beta _n$
. The key strategy of Schein’s proof is to assume, aiming for contradiction, that
is finitely presented as a semigroup. Schein then fixes an arbitrary finite presentation wih respect to the generators
and shows that, for a sufficiently large
, the semigroup
$\langle \alpha _n, \beta _n\rangle$
satisfies all these finitely many relations and yet fails to preserve commutativity of infinitely many pairs of idempotents. The essence of our adaptation is to find a map from a finitely generated subsemigroup of
containing infinitely many idempotents to the semigroup
$\langle \alpha _n, \beta _n \rangle$
. We will show that this map respects multiplication in finitely many
-classes of
, but yet again fails to preserve commutativity of infinitely many pairs of idempotents.
We start our proof by characterising when a finitely generated subsemigroup of
has infinitely many idempotents:
Lemma 3.2.
For a subsemigroup
generated by a finite set
$A \subseteq FI_1$
, the following are equivalent:
$S$ contains infinitely many idempotents;
$S$ contains both positive and negative elements;
$A$ contains both positive and negative elements.
Proof. The equivalence of (ii) and (iii) is clear.
(i). Assume there are elements
$u_1 = ({-}a_1, p_1, b_1)$
$u_2 = ({-}a_2, -p_2, b_2)$
$p_1, p_2 \gt 0$
. Let
be a common multiple of
so that
$m = n_1p_1 = n_2p_2$
for some
$n_1, n_2 \in \mathbb{N}$
. A straightforward calculation shows that

gives distinct idempotents for each
$x \in \mathbb{N}$
(iii). Suppose
consists entirely of non-positive or non-negative elements. Without loss of generality, we assume the latter. Hence, the product of elements of
is an idempotent if and only if each factor in the product is an idempotent. There are only finitely many idempotents (sign
elements) in
, which gives finitely many idempotents in
$\langle A \rangle =S$
Remark 3.3.
(1) A finitely generated subsemigroup of
$FI_1$ which contains infinitely many idempotents has two elements of the form
$({-}a, p, b)$ and
$({-}c, -p, d)$ where
$p \gt 0$ .
(2) Figure 2 shows a set of idempotents of the form
$u_1^{n_1x}u_2^{n_2x}u_2^{n_2y}u_1^{n_1y}$ where
$x, y \in \mathbb{N}_0$ with
$x+y \gt 0$ . Note that this set is isomorphic again to
$\mathbb{N}_0\times \mathbb{N}_0\setminus \{(0,0)\}$ as a partially ordered set. Also, there are infinitely many
$n\in \mathbb{N}$ such that
$D_n \cap \langle u_1, u_2\rangle \neq \emptyset$ .
(3) Let
$e \in D_n\cap \langle u_1, u_2 \rangle$ be an idempotent of the form
$u_1^{n_1x}u_2^{n_2x}u_2^{n_2y}u_1^{n_1y}$ . It can be easily seen from Figure 2 that there exists an idempotent
$f \in D_m\cap \langle u_1, u_2 \rangle$ such that
$m \gt n$ and
$f$ is incomparable with
$e$ . More specifically, if
$x = 0$ , then
$f$ can be chosen to be
$u_1^{n_1z}u_2^{n_2z}$ with
$z \gt y$ . If
$x \neq 0$ , then we may choose
$f$ to be
$u_1^{n_1z}u_2^{n_2z}u_2^{n_2t}u_1^{n_1t}$ where
$z = x-1$ and
$t \geq y+2$ .

Figure 2. The red dots are idempotents of the form
$x, y \in \mathbb{N}_0$
$x+y \gt 0$
. The rightmost and leftmost idempotents are
, where
$x, y \in \mathbb{N}$
, respectively.
The following lemma introduces two partial transformations
$\alpha _n$
$\beta _n$
. It was the key technical observation in [Reference Schein21] towards proving the main result there (Theorem 1).
Lemma 3.4 ([Reference Schein21, Lemma 2]). For
$n\in \mathbb{N}$
define two partial transformations on
$\{0, \dots, n\}$

Then, the following hold.
$\alpha _n\beta _n\alpha _n = \alpha _n$ ;
$\beta _n\alpha _n\beta _n = \beta _n$ ;
$\beta _n^{i}\alpha _n^{i}\alpha _n^{j}\beta _n^{j} = \alpha _n^{j}\beta _n^{j}\beta _n^{i}\alpha _n^{i}$ when
$i\gt n$ or
$j\gt n$ or
$i+j \leq n$ ;
$\beta _n^{i}\alpha _n^{i}\alpha _n^{j}\beta _n^{j} \neq \alpha _n^{j}\beta _n^{j}\beta _n^{i}\alpha _n^{i}$ when
$i+j \gt n$ and
$i, j \leq n$ .
We will also make use of the following technical lemma concerning presentations and ideals.
Lemma 3.5.
be a semigroup defined by
$\langle A \mid R \rangle$
$\theta \colon A \to S$
. Let
be an ideal of
, let
$C\,:\!=\,S\setminus I$
, and let

be a semigroup defined by
$\langle A_C \mid R_C \rangle$
$\pi \colon A_C\to T$
. Suppose
$u,v\in A^+$
are such that
$u\theta = v\theta \in C$
. Then,
$u, v \in A_C^{+}$
$u\pi = v\pi$
Proof. Consider an elementary sequence from
with respect to
; let
be its length. That all the words in the sequence are in
follows from
being an ideal. We claim that only relations from
are used in the sequence. Inductively, it is sufficient to prove this in the case of sequences of length
. So, suppose
, where
$p,q\in A_C^\ast$
is in
. Again, since
is an ideal, we must in fact have
$r\theta =s\theta \in C$
, and it follows that
$u\pi = v\pi$
, as required.
Recall from Proposition 2.1 that
is defined by
$\langle x,x^{-1}\mid \mathfrak{R} \rangle$
$\phi \colon x \mapsto (0, 1, 1),\ x^{-1}\mapsto ({-}1, -1, 0)$
. For
$n\in \mathbb{N}$
, define a map

Note that, of course,
$\psi _n$
extends to a homomorphism
$\{x,x^{-1}\}^+\rightarrow \langle \alpha _n,\beta _n\rangle$
. However, this homomorphism does not factor through
, since
$\alpha _n$
$\beta _n$
do not satisfy all the relations from
according to Lemma 3.4. Let
$C_n\,:\!=\,\bigcup _{i=1}^{n}D_i$
$I_n\,:\!=\,\bigcup _{i=n+1}^{\infty }D_i$
. Clearly, these two sets partition
, and, as observed earlier,
is an ideal. The following is a special case of Lemma 3.5.
Lemma 3.6.
Let the notation be as above, and let
$u, v\in \{x, x^{-1}\}^{+}$
. If
$u\phi = v\phi \in C_n$
, then
$u\psi _n = v\psi _n$
Proof. Using the notation from Lemma 3.5, we have

be the semigroup defined by
$\langle A_{C_n} \mid \mathfrak{R}_{C_n}\rangle$
$\pi _n\colon A_{C_n} \to T_n$
. By Lemma 3.5, we have
$u\pi _n = v\pi _n$
. By Lemma 3.4 (i)–(iii),
$\langle \alpha _n, \beta _n \rangle$
satisfies the relations in
. Hence,
$\langle \alpha _n, \beta _n \rangle$
is a homomorphic image of
$\mathfrak{R}_{C_n}^{\sharp } \subseteq \ker \psi _n$
, and so
$u\psi _n = v\psi _n$
We will now define a map
$\sigma _n\colon C_n\rightarrow \langle \alpha _n, \beta _n \rangle$
for each
$n\in \mathbb{N}$
as follows. For every
$s \in FI_1$
, we choose an arbitrary
$w_s\in \{x,x^{-1}\}^{+}$
, that is, such that
$w_s\phi = s$
. We then let
$s\sigma _n \,:\!=\, w_s\psi _n$
. The next lemma plays a significant role in the proof of Proposition 3.1. It presents two situations: one in which
$\sigma _n$
behaves like a homomorphism by preserving multiplication in finitely many
-classes of
, and the other where it does not.
Lemma 3.7.
$m, n\in \mathbb{N}$
be such that
$m \geq 3n$
. With the above notation, we have:
(i) If
$s_1, s_2\in C_n$ , then
$s_1s_2\in C_m$ and
$(s_1s_2)\sigma _m = (s_1\sigma _m )(s_2\sigma _m)$ .
(ii) If
$e \in C_n$ and
$f \in D_m$ are incomparable idempotents, then
$(e\sigma _m)(f\sigma _m) \neq (f\sigma _m)(e\sigma _m)$ .
Proof. For brevity, we write
$\alpha, \beta, \psi, \sigma$
$\alpha _m, \beta _m, \psi _m, \sigma _m$
, respectively.
(i) Write
$s_1=({-}a_1, p_1, b_1)$
$s_2=({-}a_2, p_2, b_2)$
$a_1+b_1, a_2+b_2 \leq n$
. By definition,


it follows that
$s_1s_2 \in C_m$
We now show that
$(s_1s_2)\sigma = (s_1\sigma )(s_2\sigma )$
. By the definition of
, we have

Note that
$w_{s_1s_2}\phi = s_1s_2 = (w_{s_1}w_{s_2})\phi$
. Since
$s_1s_2 \in C_m$
, Lemma 3.6 gives
$w_{s_1s_2}\psi = (w_{s_1}w_{s_2})\psi$
, and the result follows.
(ii) Let
$e = ({-}a, 0, b)$
$f = ({-}c, 0, d)$
. The assumptions
$e\in C_n$
$f\in D_m$
and incomparability of
$a+b \leq n$
$(a-c)(b-d)\lt 0$
. Without loss of generality, we assume that
$a \gt c$
$b \lt d$
. Note that
$w_e\phi = e = (x^{-a}x^ax^bx^{-b})\phi$
$w_f\phi = f = (x^{-c}x^cx^dx^{-d})\phi$
. Using
$e, f\in C_m$
and Lemma 3.6 again, we deduce that

Now we consider the mappings
$(e\sigma )(f\sigma )$
$(f\sigma )(e\sigma )$
. We compute the following:

$a+d \gt c+d = m$
$(e\sigma )(f\sigma ) \neq (f\sigma )(e\sigma )$
by Lemma 3.4 (iv).
We are now ready to prove Proposition 3.1. A key idea is that if a finitely generated subsemigroup of
has infinitely many idempotents, then we can find large enough natural numbers
as in Lemma 3.7.
Proof of Proposition 3.1. Let
be a finitely generated subsemigroup of
which contains infinitely many idempotents. Aiming for a contradiction, suppose that
is defined by a finite presentation
$\langle A \mid R \rangle$
$\theta \colon A \to S$
. Let
$\eta \colon A^+ \to \{x, x^{-1}\}^+$
be the homomorphism defined by
$a\eta = w_{a\theta }$
$a\in A$
. Note that
$a\eta \phi = w_{a\theta }\phi = a\theta$
, which shows
$\eta \phi = \theta$
By Lemma 3.2,
contains both positive and negative elements. Recall that
particularly contains some
$u_1 = ({-}a_1, p, b_1)$
$u_2 = ({-}a_2, -p, b_2)$
$p \gt 0$
(Remark 3.3 (1)). Let
$n\in \mathbb{N}$
be such that
contains all of the following elements:
• an idempotent of the form
$u_1^xu_2^xu_2^yu_1^y$ where
$x,y\in \mathbb{N}_0$ with
$x+y \gt 0$ ;
$a\theta$ for each
$a\in A$ ;
$r\theta \,\, (= s\theta )$ for each
$(r,s)\in R$ .
$m\in \mathbb{N}$
be such that
$m \geq 3n$
contains an idempotent of the form
. Recall the map
$\sigma _m \colon C_m \to \langle \alpha _m, \beta _m \rangle$
and the natural homomorphism
$\psi _m\colon \{x, x^{-1}\}^+ \to \langle \alpha _m, \beta _m \rangle$
. Figure 3 shows the diagram of maps and homomorphisms we have defined.

Figure 3. Homomorphisms and maps in the proof of Proposition 3.1. Here,
denotes the inclusion mapping. The upper part of the diagram is commutative, that is,
$\theta \iota = \eta \phi$
. Note that the domain of
$\sigma _m$
$C_m \subseteq FI_1$
From now on, we take
to be fixed and we write
$\alpha, \beta, \psi$
$\alpha _m, \beta _m, \psi _m$
$\sigma _m$
, respectively. We claim that

$(r, s)\in R$
. Note that
$r\eta \phi = (w_{r\theta })\phi = r\theta = s\theta = (w_{s\theta })\phi = s\eta \phi$
. Moreover,
$r\theta \,(=s\theta ) \in C_n\subseteq C_m$
. Hence,
$r\eta \psi = s\eta \psi$
by Lemma 3.6 and so indeed we have (1).
By our construction, there are idempotents of the form
$C_n\cap S$
$D_m\cap S$
. Pick two idempotents
of this form such that
$e\in C_n\cap S$
$f\in D_m\cap S$
are incomparable (see Remark 3.3 (3)). Now, let
$v_e,v_f\in A^+$
be such that
$v_e\theta = e$
$v_f\theta = f$
. Since
$ef = fe$
, we have

$(v_ev_f, v_fv_e)\in \ker \theta$
. Therefore,
$(v_ev_f)\eta \psi = (v_fv_e)\eta \psi$
by (1).
Note that we have
$v_e\eta \phi = v_e\theta = e = w_e\phi$
$e\in C_m$
. By Lemma 3.6,
$v_e\eta \psi = w_e\psi$
. Similarly,
$v_f\eta \psi = w_f\psi$
. Then,

and, analogously,
$(v_fv_e)\eta \psi = (f\sigma )(e\sigma )$
. However,
$(e\sigma )(f\sigma ) \neq (f\sigma )(e\sigma )$
by Lemma 3.7 (ii). We have obtained a contradiction from the assumption that
is finitely presented, and hence the proposition follows.
4. Finitely many idempotents
In this section, we prove the following proposition and thus complete the proof of the Main Theorem.
Proposition 4.1.
be a finitely generated subsemigroup of
. If
contains finitely many idempotents, then
is finitely presented.
In our proof, we will make use of the following three results:
Proposition 4.2 ([Reference Ruškuc20, Theorems 1.1, 1.3]). Let
be a subsemigroup of a semigroup
such that
$S\setminus T$
is finite. Then
is finitely generated (resp. presented) if and only if
is finitely generated (resp. presented).
An equivalence relation
on a semigroup
is called a congruence if it is compatible with the multiplication, that is if
$(x/\rho )(y/\rho )\subseteq (xy)/\rho$
for all
$x,y\in S$
; see [Reference Howie9, Section 1.5]. The index of an equivalence relation is the number of its equivalence classes.
Proposition 4.3 ([Reference Araújo, Branco, Fernandes, Gomes and Ruškuc1, Theorem 4.1, Corollary 4.5]). Let
be a semigroup and let
be a congruence relation on
of finite index such that every equivalence class is a subsemigroup of
. If each congruence class is finitely presented, then so is
The following proposition has already been discussed in the Introduction.
Proposition 4.4.
Any subsemigroup of
is finitely generated and finitely presented.
To prove Proposition 4.1, we first consider a finitely generated subsemigroup
wholly consisting of positive elements, that is,

For such an
, we will establish a decomposition into a disjoint union of subsemigroups of
, in such a way that Propositions4.3 and 4.4 can be applied. Finally, an appeal to Proposition 4.2 and Lemma 3.2 will enable us to extend to an arbitrary
We begin to implement this programme. The first two lemmas discuss a decomposition of
into infinitely many copies of
Lemma 4.5.
$x \in \mathbb{N}_0$
$y\in \mathbb{N}$

(i) Each
$N_{x,y}$ is a subsemigroup of
$P$ isomorphic to
$\mathbb{N}$ .
(ii) The subsemigroups
$N_{x,y}$ are pairwise disjoint.
$P=\bigcup \bigl \{ N_{x,y}\colon x\in \mathbb{N}_0,\ y\in \mathbb{N}\bigr \}$ .
Proof. (i) follows by observing that
is generated by
, while (ii) and (iii) are obvious.
Note that the last component of an element of
is the sum of the middle component and
. To emphasise this, we will sometimes write
$({-}x, p, p+(y-p))$
$({-}x, p, y)$
in what follows.
Lemma 4.6.
$n\in \mathbb{N}_0$

(i) Each
$T_n$ is a subsemigroup of
$P$ .
$T_0\leq T_1\leq T_2\leq \dots$ .
$P=\bigcup _{n\in \mathbb{N}_0} T_n$ .
Proof. (i) Note that

$({-}a, p, b), ({-}c, q, d) \in T_n$
. Then

$a,c\in [0,n]$
it follows that
$\max (a, c-p) \in [0,n]$
as well. Next, from
$b-p,d-q\in [0,n]$
it follows that
$b-(p+q)\leq n$
$(d+p)-(p+q)=d-q\in [0,n]$
. Hence,
$\max (b,d+p)-(p+q)\in [0,n]$
. Since
$p+q\gt 0$
, it follows that
$({-}a, p, b)({-}c, q, d)\in T_n$
, and therefore
$T_n\leq P$
(ii) is obvious, and (iii) follows from Lemma 4.5 (iii).
We now turn to investigate a finitely generated subsemigroup of
. The first result follows easily from the previous lemma:
Lemma 4.7.
A finitely generated subsemigroup
intersects only finitely many
Proof. As
is finitely generated, there must exist
$n\in \mathbb{N}_0$
such that
$S\subseteq T_n$
because of Lemma 4.6 (ii), (iii). But
in turn is a union of finitely many
by definition, and the result follows.
As a key technical step, we will now show that a finitely generated subsemigroup
with an additional technical condition is finitely presented.
Lemma 4.8.
$S \leq P$
be generated by
$A = \bigl \{({-}a_1, p_1, b_1), \dots, ({-}a_n, p_n, b_n)\bigr \}$
. Suppose that for all
$i, j \in [n]$
we have

For each
$(x,y)\in I\,:\!=\,\{a_1, \dots, a_n\}\times \{b_1-p_1, \dots, b_n-p_n\}$
, define

Then the following hold.
(i) The sets
$S_{x,y}$ ,
$(x,y)\in I$ , partition
$S$ .
(ii) The equivalence relation with the equivalence classes
$S_{x,y}$ ,
$(x,y)\in I$ , is a congruence on
$S$ .
$S$ is finitely presented.
Proof. We first prove the following:
Claim. We have

where each
$({-}c_i, q_i, d_i)\in A$
Proof. We prove the claim by induction on
. The case
is trivial. Consider
$m\gt 1$
, and inductively assume the claim is valid for
. Then


Using (2), we have

and so
. Similarly,

$d=q_1+\dots +q_m+(d_m-q_m)$
. This completes the inductive step and proof of the claim.
(i) First note that
$S= \bigcup _{(x,y)\in I}S_{x,y}$
: indeed, (
) follows from Claim, whereas (
) holds by the definition of the
. That each
is non-empty also follows from Claim: indeed, products of elements of
of length
already yield members in each
. Finally, that the
are mutually disjoint follows from Lemma 4.5 (ii).
(ii) Claim gives that
$S_{x,y}S_{z,t}\subseteq S_{x,t}$
for all
$(x,y),(z,t)\in I$
, which readily implies this part.
(iii) Each
is a subsemigroup of
, and
$N_{x,y+1}\cong \mathbb{N}$
by Lemma 4.5 (i). Hence, each
is finitely presented by Proposition 4.4. It now follows that
is finitely presented by combining (i), (ii) and Proposition 4.3.
Next, we extend to an arbitrary finitely generated subsemigroup of
Lemma 4.9.
Any finitely generated subsemigroup
is finitely presented.
Proof. By Lemma 4.7, there are only finitely many
which have non-empty intersection with
; suppose they are
$N_{x_1,y_1}, \dots, N_{x_m, y_m}$
. For each
$i = 1, \dots, m$
, let

Since the multiplication in
always increases the middle component, it follows that
$U_i \leq S \cap N_{x_i,y_i}$
and that
$U \,:\!=\, \bigcup _{i=1}^{m}U_i\leq S$
. Since
$U_i \leq N_{x_i,y_i} \cong \mathbb{N}$
, it follows that each
is finitely generated by Proposition 4.4. Hence,
is also finitely generated and we let
$A = \{({-}a_1, p_1, b_1), \dots, ({-}a_n, p_n, b_n)\}\subseteq P$
be its generating set.
We claim that arbitrary
$({-}a_i, p_i, b_i), ({-}a_j, p_j, b_j) \in A$
satisfy the condition (2) in Lemma 4.8. We have
$p_i, p_j \gt Q$
$a_i, a_j \in \{x_1, \dots, x_m\}$
$b_i-p_i, b_j-p_j \in \{y_1-1, \dots, y_m-1\}$
. By our choice of
, we have
$a_j \leq Q \lt p_i$
which implies
$a_j - p_i \lt 0 \leq a_i$
. Also,
$b_i - p_i \leq Q \lt p_j \leq b_j$
which implies
$b_i \leq b_j + p_i$
, and (2) indeed holds.
Lemma 4.8 (iii) now implies that
is finitely presented. Since
$S\setminus U$
is finite,
is also finitely presented by Proposition 4.2.
Finally, we can prove the main result of this section.
Proof of Proposition 4.1. Let
be a finitely generated subsemigroup of
with only finitely many idempotents. By Lemma 3.2,
consists entirely of non-negative or non-positive elements. Without loss of generality suppose the former is the case. Notice that
$S\cap P$
is an ideal of
, and that
$S\setminus P$
is the set of idempotents of
. Hence,
$S\setminus (S\cap P)$
is finite. By Proposition 4.2,
$S\cap P$
is finitely generated. Then it follows that it is finitely presented by Lemma 4.9. And finally another application of Proposition 4.2 gives that
itself is finitely presented, completing the proof.
The Corollary can be quickly derived from the Main Theorem:
Proof of the Corollary. If
contains a non-idempotent element
, it also contains infinitely many idempotents
$n\in \mathbb{N}$
, so
cannot be finitely presented by our Main Theorem.
We conclude the paper by recalling the results from [Reference Cutting and Solomon5] and [Reference Gray and Steinberg8], and ask whether they extend to subsemigroups of the monogenic free inverse semigroup, in the sense that our Main Theorem extends the original theorem by Schein (Theorem 1). Specifically, we ask whether it is true that each of the following two properties concerning a finitely generated subsemigroup
is equivalent to
having only finitely many idempotents: (a) having a regular language of normal forms and (b) the property
Competing interests
The authors have no competing interest to declare.
Funding statement
The research is supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [EP/V003224/1].