Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 March 2014
A pair of sets (A0, A1) forms a minimal pair if A0 and A1 are nonrecursive, and if whenever a set B is recursive both in A0 and in A1 then B is recursive. C. E. M. Yates [8] and independently A. H. Lachlan [4] proved the existence of a minima] pair of recursively enumerable (r.e.) sets thereby establishing a conjecture of G. E. Sacks [6]. We simplify Lachlan's construction, and then generalize this result by constructing two disjoint pairs of r.e. sets (A0, B0) and (A1B1) such that if C0 separates (A0, A1 and C1 separates (B0, B1), then C0 and C1 form a minimal pair. (We say that C separates (A0, A1) if A0 ⊂ C and C ∩ = ∅.) The question arose in our study of (Turing) degrees of members of certain classes, where we proved the weaker result [2, Theorem 4.1] that the above pairs may be chosen so that C0 and C2 are merely Turing incomparable. (There we used a variation of the weaker result to improve a result of Scott and Tennenbaum that no complete extension of Peano arithmetic has minimal degree.)
This problem arose from our study [2] of degrees of models and theories, a problem area which was suggested to us by A. H. Lachlan. G. E. Sacks brought to our attention H. Friedman's work [1] on hyperdegrees of members of classes, and asked us what analogous results held for Turing degrees of members of recursively bounded
classes. This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grants GP 7421 and GP 8866.