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Call for Special Issue Proposals

Call for Special Collection Proposals - The Knowledge Engineering Review

The Knowledge Engineering Review (KER) is an artificial intelligence journal first published by Cambridge University Press in 1984. KER is ranked Q2 in artificial intelligence in the Scimago journal rankings. KER is committed to the development of the field of artificial intelligence and the clarification and dissemination of its methods and concepts, with a specific focus on symbolic artificial intelligence, knowledge-based systems, knowledge engineering, agent-based systems, and related areas. KER publishes high-quality original research articles, as well as surveys, technical tutorials and book reviews that cover these topical areas.

KER is currently accepting proposals for special collections that are likely to generate significant interest within the journal’s readership and the wider AI community, addressing topics of interest within the remit of the journal. Special collection proposals covering topics that integrate symbolic AI methods --- such as knowledge-based systems, knowledge engineering and agent-based systems --- with data driven or machine learning methods are of particular interest. We also encourage special collections devoted to: interdisciplinary topics adjacent to traditional AI and knowledge engineering, such as visual reasoning and the ethics and regulation of AI; and topics that reflect the spread of AI into wider society, such the safety and reliability of AI and the impact of AI on fields such as healthcare and agriculture. Recently completed special collections of KER may be accessed here.

Special collection proposals may take two forms:

  1. Special collections comprising revised and extended papers, invited from a workshop or conference that has a focus on areas within the journal’s remit.

  2. Special collections with an open call for papers, soliciting manuscripts that address a topical area within the journal’s remit.

Special collection Guest Editors are expected to manage the entire peer review process in a timely manner. Once a paper has been reviewed, the Guest Editor(s) will make an initial recommendation to the KER Editors. In all cases, the KER Editors will have the final decision on whether a paper is published. All papers published as part of a special collection must meet the same criteria as regular KER articles. These criteria include relevance to the journal’s readership, novelty, significance, use of appropriate methodology, and adherence to ethical standards. The KER Editors reserve the right to reject any manuscripts submitted to a special collection that do not meet the required criteria. All manuscript submissions that build upon a prior conference or workshop publication are expected to contain a significant amount of new material (i.e. at least 50% new material).

Special collection proposals should include the following details:

  • The title of the proposed special collection

  • Brief (1 page) CVs of the proposed guest editors, including any relevant prior editorial experience

  • A description of the topical area(s) to be covered, and the significance of the special collection for the KER readership

  • A draft call for papers

  • The expected number of manuscript submissions

  • A timeline for the proposed special collection

Detailed special collection proposals should be sent directly to the KER Editors for consideration. Potential Guest Editors are also encouraged to contact the KER Editors to informally discuss potential special collections, prior to submission of a detailed proposal.

Best regards,

The Knowledge Engineering Review Editors


Professor Peter McBurney, King’s College, London, UK
peter.mcburney [at]

Professor Simon Parsons, University of Lincoln, UK
sparsons [at]

Deputy Editor

Dr Patrick Mannion, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
patrick.mannion [at]