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  • Structure/property relationships
  • Properties of interest: catalytic, sorption, mechanical, gas storage, separations, energy harvesting, sensing, luminescence, energy conversion, electrical, ion conductivity, and magnetic properties
  • Scattering techniques:
    • Ambient X-ray (laboratory and synchrotron), neutron, and electron
    • In situ, in operando and non-ambient crystallography
  • Software tools for the analysis of MOFs
  • Instrumentation/techniques (combined use/multimodal) for analysis of MOFs
  • Powders, single crystals, nanomaterials, thin films
  • New materials and new crystallographic data
  • Crystallography and computational modeling
  • Nomenclature, terminology, classification scheme
  • Industrial applications
  • Vision/projection of MOFs in the coming years
Network of close D2 intermolecular close contacts in a partially displayed 1-dimensional pore of MOF-74 (Courtesy: Craig Brown).

Network of close D2 intermolecular close contacts in a partially displayed 1-dimensional pore of MOF-74 

(Courtesy: Craig Brown). 

Technical Articles estimated to be 5-8 printed pages. The papers will be either original reports of research work or an original review presenting the author’s own evaluation and analysis of recent research work and a future outlook.


Timeline of Publication:

 Manuscript submission Due:                                             June 30, 2018  Deadline extended to October 15, 2018!


Papers accepted for publication are available online via FirstView shortly after author proof final acceptance.


Authors Notes:


Submission of papers (ScholarOne):



Camden Hubbard,

Applied Diffraction Services


Managing Editor

Nicole Ernst,



Guest Editors:

 Craig Brown,

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


Winnie Wong-Ng,

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)